
To Make a Better Bet, Use Trial and Error – Harvard Business Review Blog

We tend to romanticize entrepreneurs, inventors, and great business minds. We have this notion that they are a rare breed of people who are lucky enough to be hit by strokes of brilliance that the rest of us can’t even fathom.  But the truth is that science doesn’t work that way, and neither does business. To succeed, we really need to trade in our blue sky brainstorming sessions for some old fashioned trial and error.

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Selecting Health Technology for the Triple Aim – Institute for Healthcare Improvement

This is a report of an IHI Innovation Project that aimed to scan for health technology innovations that will provide the greatest value to health systems working to achieve the IHI Triple Aim.

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Spreading Improvement Ideas – The Health Foundation

This research scan from the Health Foundation focuses on the practical things teams and organisations can do to publicise and spread new ideas and ways of working.

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