
Medical engagement: change or die – The King’s Fund

The challenge still remains to demonstrate that health care is first and foremost focused on the needs of the patient even after Francis, Berwick and Keogh and the new Care Quality Commission inspection regime. 


There has been a  call for the doctors to step up and engage in management and leadership. This article discusses how we move from rhetoric to reality and more importantly why should doctors embrace this responsibility?


The article describes an intervention witnessed in Seattle that underpinned the drive to put patients first with a new management process, and the resulting culture which encouraged more doctors to take the lead on driving quality and innovation.

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Future leaders need to lead people not organisations – The King’s Fund

Do the pressures of leadership result in leaders being less kind to staff and becoming so feared that the team’s ideas and creativity are stifled? This King’s Fund blog post looks at these issues.

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Building trust inside your team – Mind Tools

Explains the importance of trust and some strategies for building trust with in a team both in person and virtually.

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 Developing collective leadership for healthcare – Kings Fund

This report by the Kings Fund and Centre for Creative Leadership highlights the need for collective leadership throughout the NHS and provides case studies of how this is already happening across the UK.

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Transformational leadership – Mind Tools

Explains transformational leadership and provides tips on rising to the challenge.

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Helping your people find purpose in their work – Mind Tools

How we can give reason to work and use this to write meaningful mission statements, link personal drivers to the organisation and find hidden strengths.

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