Quash Your Bad Habits by Knowing What Triggers Them – Harvard Business Review
Here’s the thing: It doesn’t take long to change a habit. But it’s hard. Really hard.  This article discusses a three step process that can help you quash bad habits.

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A Tool to Help You Reach Your Goals in 4 Steps – Harvard Business Review
Creating goals that you will actually accomplish isn’t just a matter of defining what needs doing—you also have to spell out the specifics of getting it done. By using what motivational scientists call if-then planning to express your intentions you can significantly improve your odds.
This tool will help you take advantage of how the brain works. To begin, break down your goals into concrete subgoals and detailed actions for reaching them.

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The Science of Sounding Smart – Harvard Business Review
When you’re trying to convey the quality of your mind to your boss, or to a company that’s considering you for a job, your best ally may be your own voice.
Although some people may assume that their ideas and intellect would come across much better in written form, it turns out that using your voice can make you sound smarter.

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