Organisational Culture

 Learning from Google’s digital culture – McKinsey Insights & Publications


What can traditional organizations learn from digital natives? In this interview, Google’s VP of US sales and operations explains how the company’s culture developed and continues to be nurtured.


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Prof. Sir Cary Cooper: How Technology Is Changing Employee Psychology – The Good Weekly (RobertsonCooper)


We talk a lot about the changing nature of the workplace. But how often do we talk about the way that’s changing employee psychology? Here’s how IT is changing the way we work and the way we think.

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Debriefing: A Simple Tool to Help Your Team Tackle Tough Problems – Harvard Business Review

This article explains how debriefing can be used to help a team  recalibrate and jump back into a project that is lagging in order to  to drive the growth of the team and company over the long term.

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What Apple, Lending Club, and AirBnB Know About Collaborating with Customers – Harvard Business Review

The idea of “co-creating” with customers has been circulating for years, but until recently few companies effectively exploited its power or understood its contribution to the bottom line. By exploiting new digital technologies, firms like Apple, Lending Club, and AirBnB have made customer co-creation of value central to their business models and in doing so now rank among the world’s most innovative and valuable firms. This research suggests that companies that make their customers partners, and share the value created, lead the pack on revenue growth, profit margins, capital efficiency, and enterprise value.

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