
Trust to open bullying helpine for staff – HSJ Article

An acute trust plans to open a 24-hour helpline for its staff after almost 30 per cent reported being bullied by colleagues and managers.

Trust to open bullying helpline for staff – (HSJ Article request full text from Evidence Services or call 01942 822508)

Everything you need to know about sickness absence: a simple guide for NHS managers – NHS Employers

This online tool aims to further improve the  management of staff sick leave in the NHS. It answers questions such as, what do you do when a staff member calls in sick? How do you handle long-term or recurring absences? How can managers reduce stress, support staff to return to work and prevent sickness absence from becoming an issue in the first place?

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How would seven-day elective care look for junior doctors? – British Journal of Healthcare Management.

Seven-day working is an extremely topical and much-debated subject.  This article details three potential options from the trainee perspective and how they will impact on doctor-to-patient ratios throughout the week.

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