How to Spread Empathy in Health Care – Harvard Business Review Blog

Social network scientists have shown that emotions and values can spread in a community with the same patterns as infectious diseases. They have described how the people who are most connected to others may be the first ones to get hot gossip, but they are also most likely to get the scary new virus that has just shown up in town. These observations suggest an interesting opportunity for making health care better, and even more efficient – if health care organizations can figure out how to create an “epidemic of empathy.”

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To Do Things Better, Stop Doing So Much – Harvard Business Review Blog

Podcast on the importance of being “absurdly selective” in how we use our time.

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Adapt to a New Culture – but Don’t Go Too Far – Harvard Business review Blog

One of the most popular pieces of advice that people receive when operating across cultures is, “When in Rome, Act Like the Romans.” This advice essentially means that in order to be successful in a situation different from your own, you need to adapt to the local customs, whatever they happen to be. But what happens when you don’t have a perfect read on what these customs or rules exactly are?

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