
Sign up to Safety: Monitor commits to improving safety and reducing avoidable harm in the NHS – Montior

Monitor is supporting the Sign up to Safety campaign, launched by the Secretary of State for Health Jeremy Hunt, which aims to reduce avoidable harm by 50% and save 6,000 lives over the next 3 years.

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NHS performance: are we really getting it right? – The Commonwealth Fund

In a comparative study of health system performance by The Commonwealth Fund, the UK ranks first across a range of measures covering quality, access and efficiency of care, while the US comes in last place.

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Improving surgical inpatient ward lists in a large acute hospital: a simple yet effective process to save the time of junior house officers – BMJ Quality Improvement Report

Identifies the process of creating an effective, easy to use, and useful inpatient ward list can lead to large amount of time saved each day for the staff responsible for its management. This time can then be reinvested on clinical duties, or education, to further improve the healthcare service we provide.

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