Three Quick Ways to Improve Your Strategy-Making – Harvard Business Review Blog

The standard strategy processes at most companies share three common characteristics: 1) you wait until the annual strategy review to revisit your strategy; 2) you put together a SWOT analysis as input to the start of the strategy process; and 3) you start the strategy process with a long and arduous exercise to wordsmith a mission/vision statement or organizational aspiration.

These activities are, no doubt, reassuring and familiar. They are also almost completely useless. This article takes a look at each in turn.

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Strategy’s No Good Unless You End Up Somewhere New – Harvard Business Review Blog

Innovation isn’t always strategic, but strategy making sure as heck better be innovative. By definition, strategy is about allocating resources today to secure a better tomorrow. It is important, however, to understand the nuances and complexities of innovation as they relate to strategy. The author lists four innovations that they believe are the most important.

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