Streamlining Programme, Support and Resources – Skills for Health

The Streamlining Programme was a collaboration between Skills for Health, HR for London and NHS Employers, the programme has saved millions of pounds and improved efficiency and quality in three key areas:

  • Junior doctors’ rotations
  • Employment checks
  • Statutory and mandatory training

By working together to benchmark performance and share best practices, the 39 London trusts have increased performance in respect of training compliance, reduced duplication and achieved a dramatic reduction in costs. Simultaneously, the programme has delivered higher quality, improved efficiency and greater productivity.

Case studies, guidance documents and advice from the participating London HR Directors are all available.

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A Bigger Difference: Realising The Potential Of Voluntary Organisations And Volunteers – National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO)

Report that identifies voluntary organisations have particular strengths in providing preventative and specialist services. There is compelling evidence that earlier action can lead to major savings for the state1 – and yet, current government spending mechanisms limit investment in these services. It includes examples of best practice of collaboration and joint working between voluntary organisations and public services.

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10 Priorities For Resolving The Crisis In Emergency Departments – The College of Emergency Medicine

Concise proposals from The College of Emergency Medicine that are the collective view of practicing emergency physicians and aim to represent cost-effective solutions to ensure that safe patient care can be delivered. It identifies 5 proposals for NHS England to address and 5 for members of the college to address.

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Working together to assess how well led organisations are – NHS Trust Development Authority

The NHS Trust Development Authority, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Monitor have committed to developing an aligned framework for making judgements about how well led NHS providers are.

By ‘well led’ we mean that the leadership, management and governance of the organisation assure the delivery of high quality care for patients, support learning and innovation and promote an open and fair culture.

This article outlines their statement of intent.

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