Managing high achievers – Mind Tools

How to recognise high achievers with tips on how best to manage them and keeping them motivated.

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The role of informal networks in creating knowledge among health-care managers: a prospective case study, Health Services and Delivery Research Article.

Health and well-being services, in common with many public services, cannot be delivered by a single organisation. Weight loss, exercise, smoking cessation and other programmes require the co-ordination of services delivered by several organisations in a locality. There is some evidence, mostly from other sectors, that middle managers play pivotal roles in this co-ordination. They have to find ways of co-ordinating services such that organisations are able to meet their own objectives while working together, and issues raised by cultural and other differences can be overcome. In doing so, they have to find ways of explaining what they do, and what they need to get done, to one another. This study focuses on the knowledge creation processes that underpin these activities, in the context of health and well-being services.

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