How Monitor, CQC and the NHS Trust Development Authority will work together to assess how well led-organisations are – Kings Fund

One of the five questions CQC now asks of all providers is ‘how well-led is this organisation?’. The quality of leadership is one of the most important determinants of the quality and safety of services. This framework outlines the dimensions of leadership that organisations will be assessed on and allows organisations to align themselves with the common expectation of what good looks like.

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Monitor commits to a single view of what good leadership looks like – GOV.UK News

The 3 national NHS partners will develop an aligned framework for making judgements about how well-led NHS providers are.

The framework will ensure a consistent view which will form the basis of regulatory judgements. A joined-up approach will also remove unnecessary duplication and burden on NHS providers.

The partners intend to put these plans into action by October 2014 after testing the approach with NHS foundation trusts and NHS trusts. Monitor’s contribution has been captured in guidance to NHS foundation trust boards on how to assess the quality of their leadership, the ‘Well-led framework for Governance Reviews’ also published this week.

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Related publication: ‘Well-led framework for Governance Reviews’

The best leaders are humble leaders – Harvard Business Review Blog

Argues that leadership is about what the team can do together. Links are demonstrated between altruistic leadership and innovation and embededness of the employees within the organisation. It encourages leaders to share their mistakes as teachable moments, engage in conversations rather than debates, embrace uncertainty and be a role model as a ‘follower’.

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 Culture and leadership in the NHS The King’s Fund survey 2014 – The King’s Fund

In February and March 2014 The King’s Fund conducted a survey of NHS managers and clinicians about leadership, culture and compassionate care in the NHS.  This is a summary of the survey findings.

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 Collective leadership: fundamental to creating the cultures we need in the NHS – The King’s Fund

Positivity, compassion, respect, dignity, engagement and high-quality care are key to creating the cultures we need in the NHS. And, just as importantly, we must deal decisively, consistently and quickly with behaviours inconsistent with these values, regardless of the seniority of people exhibiting them.

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How can improving leadership help to transform the NHS? – The King’s Fund Blog

Leadership is the golden thread that runs through any discussion of NHS reform and improvement. This encompasses leadership by doctors and other clinicians; leadership by managers of NHS organisations; and leadership by politicians at a national level.

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Leading change within health services: The theory behind a systematic process for leading the implementation of new services within a network structure – Leadership in Health Services article

Much health service delivery occurs within a network structure, with co-operation and competition coexisting. Leading change for successful outcomes is a difficult task even outside of this multi-layered complex context, with reports that up to two-thirds of change processes are unsuccessfully implemented. This can have a major impact on stress, effectiveness and efficiency. This paper aims to address these issues.

(Leadership in Health Services Article request full text from The Trust Library Service or call 01942 (82)2508)

Organisational and leadership competencies for successful service integration – Leadership in Health Services article

The purpose of this paper is to describe a two-part study that has explored the organisational and leadership competencies required for successful service integration within a health consortia in Australia. Preliminary organisational and leadership competency frameworks were developed to serve as reference points as the consortia it expanded to cater for increased service demand in the midst of significant health reform.

(Leadership in Health Services Article request full text from The Trust Library Service or call 01942 (82)2508)