
A Taxonomy of Innovation – Harvard Business Review

The article considers innovation management and new product development. A framework for evaluating and categorizing different management methodologies created by the research institute Luma Institute is presented. Methodologies are formed in the framework into three large categories of research, analysis and implementation, with 12 subcategories with each large one. A chart is presented indicating the links between research, analysis and implementation in a successful innovation management process.

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Simplifying a complex system – British Journal of Healthcare management

Colin Jervis, an independent healthcare and management consultant argues that the NHS has many challenges to overcome to go ‘paperless’, and bring about a simplified system.

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 Attracting Top Contributors to an Open Innovation Project – Harvard Business Review Blog

This article looks at a paper recently published by researchers at Duke and the London School of economics  which aims to shed light on how to attract and motivate the best external contributors to an open innovation project.  is issue by studying contributions to open source software. It suggests that to attract the most productive contributors, companies may have to give up more control over their project. At the very least, they need to consider the values of the community they’re hoping to attract, and not just offer financial or professional incentives.

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