
The Best Leaders Are Humble Leaders – Harvard Business Review Blog

In a global marketplace where problems are increasingly complex, no one person will ever have all the answers. That’s why Google’s SVP of People Operations, Lazlo Bock, says humility is one of the traits he’s looking for in new hires.  Rather than selecting those who excel at self-promotion, as is often the case, more organizations would be wise to follow the lead of companies like Google, Rockwell Automation, and others that are re-imagining what effective leadership looks like.

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Leadership.  Easier said than done – Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).
This report explores general leadership issues and looks at the capacity of individuals at all levels of an organisation to buy into and lead on the organisational agenda, highlighting how misaligned organisational structures and processes can get in the way of leadership.

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