
Launch of Regional Innovation Fund – 1st May 2014

A Regional Innovation Fund (RIF) of £2.5m is available this year to support and promote the adoption of innovation and the spread of best practice across the NHS.
The fund is open to NHS England, as well as the NHS and AHSNs. All allocations made through the fund will seek to deliver significant improvements in quality and efficiency in the NHS through innovation. Bids can be developed alone, or through collaboration with other partners such as providers, local government, the third-sector, private healthcare and industry.

 The closing date for submitting applications is 5pm, Friday 30th May 2014. All allocations made through the fund will be allocated by end June 2014.

For more information on the RIF competition process and to access the RIF application form and guidance, please click here

Healing Medical Product Innovation – Rand Corporation

Many experts identify costly new technology as the biggest driver of health care spending. Previous studies aimed at reining in spending on technology have focused on changing how existing medical technologies are used. But what about also encouraging the creation of technologies that could improve health and reduce spending, or that provide large-enough health benefits to warrant any extra spending?

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How to Know When Your Great Idea is Ready for the World – The Discipline of Innovation Blog 

Timing is important in innovation, this blog post discusses the use of two tools:

  1. The Technology Readiness Level – developed by NASA to evaluate technologies that they could use in their various programs.
  2. The Investment Readiness Level – an adaptation to identify the investment readiness of an idea

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 Mobile app puts ‘doctor in your pocket’ – eHealth Insider

A mobile app lets users see their GP through video consultations and order prescriptions on their smartphone or tablet. Speaking at Wired Health, part of EHI’s Digital Health Festival, Ali Parsa, the creator of the ‘Babylon’ app, said he wants to provide people with a “doctor in your pocket”, and give patients access to GPs and specialist nurses six days a week.

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