Knowledge @lert for Wednesday 14th July
Weekly publication of COVID-19 admissions and bed occupancy data [07 April 2021 to 04 July 2021]- NHS England
This file contains Covid data on measures of:-
- hospital admissions
- number of beds occupied by Covid patients
- number of MV beds (capable of supporting mechanical ventilation) occupied by Covid patients
- number of Adult G&A beds: occupied by Covid patients; occupied by non-Covid patients; unoccupied; and unoccupied, available to non-Covid patients
- number of Adult Critical Care beds: occupied by Covid patients; occupied by non-Covid patients; unoccupied; and unoccupied, available to non-Covid patients
Trusts to remind public they must wear masks after 19 July – HSJ
Multiple trusts are planning to tell the public they must comply with current covid infection control measures, such as mask wearing, beyond 19 July when they visit NHS premises, HSJ can reveal. Public Health England guidance requiring mask wearing in clinical areas is still in force, and the trusts strategies are largely aimed at reminding the public that is still the case despite the change in law.
How small numbers can create great problems – NHS Confed
One COVID-19 patient has a significant impact on a trust’s capacity. James Devine, our acute care programme director, explains why.
Palliative and end of life care – PHE
Information and resources for health and social care professionals to improve the quality of services and reduce inequalities in care.
Making sense of the Health and Care Bill – Kings Fund
Why we need a clearer explanation of how people could benefit from the reforms.
The proposed NHS reforms: what do we think so far? NHS Confederation
This briefing, set out in six slides, gives an overview of key changes ahead for the NHS and what integrated care system leaders support and remain concerned about.
Medical staffing in England: a defining moment for doctors and patients – British Medical Association (BMA)
This report shows how severe medical shortages in England have become, current workforce data trends analysis and how the government can combat the widening gap between medical staff supply and increasing patient need. This study of the number of doctors per 1,000 people revealed that England averaged 2.8 doctors across primary and secondary care, while the average ratio in comparable EU countries is 3.7. The BMA predicts almost 50,000 more doctors are required to make up for the shortfall and that it could take until 2046 for health services in England to catch up to the average of comparable European nations.
Unlocking solutions in imaging: working together to learn from failings in the NHS – Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
This report highlights recurrent failings in the way X-rays and scans are reported on and followed up across NHS services. It recommends a system-wide programme of improvements for more effective and timely management of X-rays and scans.
Saving lives, improving mothers’ care: rapid report 2021 – learning from SARS-CoV-2-related and associated maternal deaths in the UK – HQIP
Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through Audits and Confidential Enquiries across the UK (MBRRACE-UK) – The second wave of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the UK brought further challenges to services and a higher burden of infection, together with new variants of concern. This rapid review was undertaken as part of the ongoing responsive remit of MBRRACE-UK to ensure that any new messages for care and services were identified in a timely manner in order to implement rapid change. This report includes lessons identified from the care of women who died between 1 June 2020 and 31 March 2021, following a positive test for SARS-CoV-2 infection, or in whom SARS-CoV-2 infection was diagnosed at autopsy, as well as from the deaths of women whose care or engagement with care was influenced by changes as a consequence of the pandemic.
Tackling obesity: the role of the NHS in a whole-system approach – The King’s Fund
This briefing explores the role of the NHS in tackling obesity, focusing on how the NHS can work with local partners and engage with communities to deliver targeted interventions to treat and prevent obesity.
JCVI interim advice: potential Covid-19 booster vaccine programme winter 2021 to 2022 – Department of Health and Social Care
This report contains interim advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) on the requirements for a potential Covid-19 booster vaccination programme for winter 2021 to 2022. The JCVI advises that any potential booster programme should begin in September 2021, in order to maximise protection in those who are most vulnerable to serious Covid-19 ahead of the winter months.
Education and training tariff guidance and prices for 2021 to 2022 financial year – Department of Health and Social Care
This document sets out: the national tariffs for health care education and training clinical placements in the financial year 2021 to 2022; how the tariffs will be implemented; and in what circumstances the national tariffs may be varied and how to do this. The tariffs cover non-medical clinical placements and medical undergraduate and postgraduate clinical placements in secondary care.
Will the NHS be on the table for a Pacific trade deal? Nuffield Trust
Only six months since it left the EU single market, talks have begun for the UK to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). This long read looks at the key ways in which joining the CPTPP could affect health in this country, should talks on UK accession succeed.
Statistics – Gov.UK
- Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, provisional: week ending 2 July 2021
- Referral to treatment waiting times statistics for consultant-led elective care for May 2021
- Integrated Urgent Care Aggregate Data Collection (IUC ADC) for May 2021
- Integrated Urgent Care Aggregate Data Collection (IUC ADC) – for June 2021 (provisional statistics)
- Referrals for first consultant-led outpatient appointments for May 2021 (including June 2020 to November 2020 revisions)
- Ambulance Quality Indicators Systems Indicators for June 2021
- Waiting times for suspected and diagnosed cancer patients for May 2021 (Including October 2020 – March 2021, Q3 and Q4, 2020-21 revisions)
- A&E attendances and emergency admissions for June 2021 and Quarterly report (Q1)
- Diagnostic waiting times and activity for May 2021
- Waiting times for suspected and diagnosed cancer patients – 2020/21 Annual Report