Covid-19 Knowledge Update 12th March
COVID-19 – Updated guidance, resources, information and advice on the Trust Intranet
COVID-19: stay at home guidance (DOH)
Stay at home guidance for people with confirmed or possible coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.
Number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and risk in the UK (DOH)
Find out the number of cases and risk level in the UK, what to do if you have symptoms, and what the government is doing about the virus.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for health professionals and other organisations (DOH)
Find guidance about coronavirus (COVID-19) for health professionals, businesses, schools and other organisations.
Coronavirus guidance for clinicians – NHS England
COVID-19 NHS preparedness and response: Letter from the NHS Strategic Incident Director and the Incident Director
This letter covers what is required of NHS organisations and includes annexes detailing a new requirement to establish case detection for intensive care admissions, and guidance on the decontamination of an NHS 111 coronavirus pod.
Standard operating procedure for coronavirus priority assessment pods
These documents relate to the standard operating procedure for Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) priority assessment service, including letter from Professor Keith Willett.
NHS prepares to cancel elective ops in readiness for covid-19 surge – HSJ
System leaders are telling hospitals to prepare for a potential suspension of all non-emergency elective procedureswhich could last for months, as they get ready for a surge in coronavirus patients.
BMJ Best Practice – BMJ’s clinical decision support tool (Login with your NHS Athens account)
Dynamed – Clinician-focused tool designed to facilitate efficient and evidence-based patient care. (Login with your NHS Athens account)
- COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus)
- Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV)
- Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) in Adults and Adolescents
- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
- Community-acquired Pneumonia in Adults
Access to GIDEON (Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Online Network) has been enabled for all NHS Athens accounts nationally until end of April.
In the context of the spread of COVID19, this resource provides a tracker to identify areas and countries with cases and the number of cases, epidemiological reports, and clinical information. Click here to access. (Please note that the link to GIDEON is in the menu bar at the top, not in the list of Ovid products)
There is also a tutorial available
Disease Briefing: Coronaviruses – Clarivate Analytics
Includes; Facts about Coronaviruses, Morphology, Structure and Replication, Epidemiology, Morbidity and Mortality.
Coronavirus: employment rights and sick pay
The rise in the number of cases of COVID-19 (coronavirus) in the UK has led to concerns about the effect on the workforce. According to Government estimates, in a worst-case scenario, up to one-fifth of the workforce could be absent from work. There have been questions about statutory sick pay (SSP) during periods of ‘self-isolation’. In particular, there are concerns over what will happen to the estimated two million low-paid and casual workers who do not qualify for SSP. The Government has committed to introducing emergency legislation on sick pay. This Insight provides an overview of a number of employment-related issues and Government action to date.
COVID-19: guidance for employers
The government has published Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for employees, employers and businesses. This guidance is intended to assist employers and businesses in providing advice to staff regarding COVID-19. It covers how to help prevent spread of respiratory infections including COVID-19; what to do if someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 has been in a workplace setting; what advice to give to individuals who have travelled to specific areas; and advice for the certification of absence from work.
Support for those affected by Covid-19
More information about the package of measures announced at Budget 2020 to support public services, individuals and businesses affected by Covid-19
Addressing the potential impact of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on medicines supply in the EU
The EMA states no specific disruptions have yet been identified and that any impact in the short-term would be limited, given the current stocks in place. However, supply issues can be expected if lockdowns continue and/or other supply disruptions occur.
The Incubation Period of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) From Publicly Reported Confirmed Cases: Estimation and Application
Analysis of data from 181 confirmed COVID-19 cases outside Hubei province, China suggests median incubation period of 5.1 days (95% CI 4.5 to 5.8 days), and 97.5% of those who develop symptoms will do so within 11.5 days (CI 8.2 to 15.6 days) of infection.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance from the Royal College of Anaesthetics
Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection in pregnancy: information for healthcare professionals – Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
The guidance covers the most up-to-date advice on how coronavirus affects pregnant women and their unborn babies, how labour and birth should be managed in women with suspected or confirmed coronavirus, as well as information on neonatal care and infant feeding. It has been jointly published with the Royal College of Midwives, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Public Health England and Health Protection Scotland. It may be updated if or when new information becomes available.
Global research on coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
You can search the WHO database of publications on coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Articles are searchable by author, key word (title, author, journal), journal, or by general topic. To see the most recently added citations, select “Newest updates”. The database is updated daily, Monday through Friday.