Knowledge @lert for Friday 7th February
NHS Operational Planning and Contracting Guidance 2020/21
This NHS Operational Planning and Contracting Guidance 2020/21 covers system planning, full operational plan requirements, details of workforce transformation requirements, the financial settlement and the process and timescales around the submission of plans that the NHS must plan to do during 2020/21.
Thinking differently about commissioning
The King’s Fund has published Thinking differently about commissioning: learning from new approaches to local planning. This report aims to understand the approach being taken by some CCGs and local systems that are rethinking the role of commissioning; draw out learning for other areas as they work to change their approach; and explore the national policy implications of this new way of working and what national NHS bodies can do to support its development. It is based around two CCGs (South Tyneside and Tameside and Glossop) and one group of CCGs (Bradford district and Craven).
Commissioning liaison psychiatry services
The Centre for Mental Health has published Commissioning liaison psychiatry services. The research in this report sought to identify the challenges faced by commissioners of liaison psychiatry services, and to see if these challenges were shared by hospital managers and mental health clinicians working within the services. The report outlines a number of recommendations, including calls for acute hospitals to take a thorough audit of all mental health provision, and to adopt the outcome measurement framework proposed by Royal College of Psychiatrists.
Population health management
NHS England and NHS Improvement have published Population Health Management: Understanding how integrated care systems are using population health management to improve health and wellbeing. This document briefly summarises four case studies covering: identifying and supporting people with poor housing and poor health (Blackpool); using data to identify frailty (Leeds); seeing the link between physical and mental health Bournemouth); and targeted support for communities with poorer outcomes (Berkshire West).
Adult social care: impact on the NHS
NHS Providers has published Parliamentary debate: NHS performance and the impact of adult social care pressures. This briefing aims to inform the parliamentary debate taking place in the House of Lords on 6 February 2020.
Evaluating digital health products
Public Health England has published resources regarding evaluating digital health products. These resources are for anyone developing or running a digital health product to conduct an evaluation. Digital health products can take different forms – for example, a service, campaign or other intervention; they might be provided through an app or website.
Children and young people’s emotional wellbeing
The Local Government Agency has published Building resilience: how local partnerships are supporting children and young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing. This report sets out the findings of research looking at how local government and its partners can work most effectively together to deliver a coherent and joined-up offer of support for children and young people’s mental health.
NIHR Signals
The following research summaries have been added to the National Institute for Health Research website:
- Uptake of shingles vaccination is more likely if proactively offered in primary care
- GLP-1 drug for diabetes gives modest cardiovascular benefits compared with placebo
- Antenatal MRI can aid ultrasound when fetal brain abnormality is suspected
- ‘Care navigation’ is being widely adopted in primary care, but in varying ways
- Intensive routine follow-up after bowel cancer treatment may not be necessary
- Tranexamic acid is safe to use following mild-to-moderate traumatic brain injury and reduces deaths
- Cancer registration statistics: England 2018
- Dental commissioning statistics, England – December 2019
- Emergency Department (ED) attendance following Pathways NHS111 calls England, 2018