Knowledge @lert for Tuesday 14th January
Healthy social media
The Mental Health Foundation has published Healthy social media. This report presents the social media experiences of young people and other stakeholders that attended an engage event in May 2019 and offers their recommendations on how to maintain a healthy social media life in regards to body image.
Anxiety and depression audit
The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership has published How are secondary care psychological therapy services for adults with anxiety and depression performing? This spotlight report focuses on the delivery of psychological therapies in secondary care adult mental health services between 2018 and 2019. It examines their performance in relation to access and waiting times; appropriateness of therapy; service user involvement; outcome measurement; and therapist training and supervision.
National Prostate Cancer Audit
The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership has published National Prostate Cancer Audit Annual Report 2019. This sixth annual report presents the results for patients diagnosed with prostate cancer between 1st April 2017 and 31st March 2018 in England and Wales. It is accompanied by provider results and an infographic.
Lung cancer audits
The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership has published the following audits relating to lung cancer:
- Organisational audit report – assesses the provision of lung cancer services in secondary care; highlights variations in diagnostics, treatment modalities and specialist staffing; provides information for national benchmarking; and measures the extent to which recommendations made in 2017 have been met.
- Lung Cancer Clinical Outcomes Publication 2019 – examines data from 27 surgical units in England, performing thoracic surgery between 1 January and 31 December 2017.
- Spotlight report on molecular testing in advanced lung cancer – investigates the efficacy and outcomes of molecular testing in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in England covering 1,157 patients
Lessons on setting targets in health and social care
The Nuffield Trust has published Hindsight 2020: lessons on setting targets in health and social care. This briefings looks at how a sample of key NHS and social care targets set after the 2015 general election for delivery by 2020 have fared. It looks at which have been met, which are being missed and which no longer exist. The briefing also looks at the lessons that need to be learned.
Sentinel Stroke Audit
The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership has published Moving the dial of stroke care: the sixth SSNAP annual report. This report, summarising data from more than 85,000 patients, shows that there have been major improvements in stroke care in recent years in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. However, the report highlights areas of care which demonstrate variation nationally such as getting patients onto specialist stroke units within four hours of arrival at the hospital and in improving access to specialist psychological support.
National Bowel Cancer Audit
The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership has published National Bowel Cancer Audit Annual Report 2019. This tenth report of the audit includes data on over 30,000 patients diagnosed with bowel cancer between 01 April 2017 and 31 March 2018. For the first time, indicators of return to theatre and robotic surgery are reported and the measure of adjuvant chemotherapy for stage III colon cancer is reported at trust/hospital level in England. The report discusses several key findings for care pathways, surgical care, survival, rectal cancer and National Cancer Registry data.
NICE guidance
Quality Standards
QS190 | Flu vaccination: increasing uptake |
QS33 | Rheumatoid arthritis in over 16s (updated) |
NICE consultations
- Jaundice in newborn babies under 28 days: surveillance consultation. Closing date for comments 20 January 2020.
- Deep brain stimulation for refractory epilepsy: interventional procedure consultation. Closing date for comments: 4 February 2020.
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation for obsessive-compulsive disorder: interventional procedure consultation. Closing date for comments: 4 February 2020.
Glaucoma services
The Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch has published Investigation into lack of timely monitoring of patients with glaucoma. This investigation explores the issues influencing the lack of timely monitoring of patients with glaucoma and makes recommendations for the management and prioritisation of follow-up appointments.
Ovarian cancer: disease profile
Public Health England has published Disease profile in England: Incidence, mortality, stage and survival for ovary, fallopian tube and primary peritoneal carcinomas (pdf). This report provides a detailed insight into the status of ovarian cancer in England. It is the first report from the Cancer Audit Feasibility Pilot project which runs for two years and includes details of disease incidence, mortality and survival.
- Delayed Transfers of Care – November 2019
- Mixed Sex Accommodation Breaches – November 2019
- Diagnostics waiting times and activity – November 2019
- NHS 111 Minimum Data Set – December 2019 data
- Critical care bed capacity and urgent operations cancelled – November 2019
- Mental Health Services Monthly Statistics – Final October, Provisional November 2019
- Out of Area Placements in Mental Health Services – October 2019
- Psychological Therapies: reports on the use of IAPT services, England – October 2019 Final including reports on the IAPT pilots
- Mental Health Early Intervention in Psychosis – November 2019
- Deaths registered by area in England and Wales, monthly provisional – November 2019
- Combined performance summary – January 2020 (pdf)
- QualityWatch combined performance summary – November-December 2019
- Monthly hospital activity data – November 2019
- Provisional Accident and Emergency Quality Indicators for England – November 2019, by provider
- A&E attendances and emergency admissions – December 2019 and Quarterly Report (Q3)
- Provisional Monthly Hospital Episode Statistics for Admitted Patient Care, Outpatient and Accident and Emergency data – April 2019 – November 2019
- Community Services Statistics – September 2019
- Maternity Services Monthly Statistics – September 2019, experimental statistics
- Waiting times for suspected and diagnosed cancer patients – November 2019 (Including April 2019 – September 2019, Q1 and Q2 2019-20 revisions)
- Referral to treatment waiting times statistics for consultant-led elective care – November 2019
- Ambulance Quality Indicators: Clinical Outcomes – August 2019 data
- Ambulance Quality Indicators: Systems Indicators – December 2019 data