Knowledge @lert for Monday 1st July
NHS Long Term Plan implementation framework
Following the publication of the NHS Long Term Plan, NHS England and NHS Improvement committed to publishing an implementation framework, setting out further detail on how it would be delivered. Local systems are developing their five-year strategic plans which will describe the population needs and case for change in each area, then propose practical actions that the system will take to deliver the commitments set out in the NHS Long Term Plan. The framework summarises these commitments alongside further information to help local system leaders refine their planning and prioritisation. This includes detail about where additional funding will be made available to support specific commitments and where activity will be paid for or commissioned nationally.
NHS long-term plan: legislative proposals – Health and Social Care Committee
This report welcomes, in principle, NHS England and NHS Improvement’s proposals to promote collaboration, especially the proposal to repeal section 75 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and revoke the regulations made under it. The Health and Social Care Committee believes that collaboration, rather than competition, is a better way for the NHS and the wider health and care system to respond to today’s challenges.
NHSI and NHSE appoints chief nurse for the north west from top Manchester trust
The chief nurse at a top performing Manchester trust has been appointed as the new chief nurse in the North West by NHS England and NHS Improvement. Jackie Bird, the current chief nurse and executive director of nursing and
Openness by design 2019-2022 – Information Commissioner’s Office
This new access to information strategy sets out five goals relating to the suite of access to information legislation regulated by the ICO: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000, the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) 2004, and the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015.
The real story of winter – NHS Providers
What was the real story of winter for trusts, their patients, and hard pressed frontline staff? This briefing examines winter 2018/19 for the provider sector. It urges health leaders not to draw false comfort from the noticeable absence of stories about ‘winter pressures’ in the media earlier this year.
2018 adult inpatient survey: statistical release – Care Quality Commission
Findings from this latest annual survey of people who stayed as an inpatient in hospital show that most people had confidence in the doctors and nurses treating them and felt that staff answered their questions clearly. However, across the majority of questions asked in the survey there has been no improvement since it was last carried out, and this year’s results show an increase in those reporting lengthy delays, greater dissatisfaction with the amount of information provided when leaving hospital, and those who felt a lack of involvement in their care.
Investigation into NHS Property Services Limited – National Audit Office
NHS Property Services Limited (the Service) is a company wholly owned by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, established in December 2011 to manage NHS property. This report finds that, to a large extent, the Service has succeeded in improving the professional support required, collecting data, streamlining contracts and identifying market rental rates. However it lacks the powers it needs to make its tenants sign lease agreements and pay their rent, which has contributed to increasing levels of outstanding debt.
Research into the impact of pensions tax in the NHS – NHS Employers
NHS Employers commissioned First Actuarial to investigate the growing evidence suggesting that the changes in recent years to the annual and lifetime allowances are influencing the behaviour of NHS staff. The purpose of the research was to find out: how widespread pensions tax charges are in the NHS; the size of pensions tax charges faced by affected employees; and any impact of these charges on the working behaviour of employees – and how this impacts the objectives of the NHS and on the NHS Pension Scheme.
Innovation and Technology Payment technical notes
NHS England has published NHS England Innovation and Technology Payment 2019 to 2020 Technical Notes. This guidance is a supporting document to Section 3.4 of the 2019/20 National Tariff Payment System which sets out the national approach to supporting the adoption of innovation using the Innovation and Technology Payment. It contains the innovations, specifications, reimbursement and reporting requirements for the 2019/20 Innovation and Technology Payment, and for the innovations from 2018/19 and the 2017/19 Innovation and Technology Tariff, whose funding is continuing.
Clinical guidance: giving birth
The Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists has published Care of women presenting with suspected preterm prelabour rupture of membranes from 24+0 weeks of gestation. This guideline covers recommendations for the diagnosis, assessment, care and timing of birth of women presenting with suspected PPROM from 24+0 to 36+6 weeks of gestation. It also addresses care in a subsequent pregnancy.
Be Part of Research
The National Institute for Health Research has launched a new website Be Part of Research. This developing website has been designed to make it as easy as possible for the public to find out about health research and enable them to take part. It also acts as a tool that clinicians and healthcare professionals can use to support patients who ask about research. The website replaces the UK Clinical Trials Gateway.
Refugee and asylum seeker health resource
The British Medical Association has published a Refugee and asylum seeker health resource to help doctors understand their specific health needs and how to overcome common barriers when accessing healthcare. It contains links to useful resources and relevant organisations.
Nesta has published Finding connection in a disconnected age – stories of community in a time of change. This document contains twelve stories that paint a rich and varied picture of the many faces of loneliness and what it means to feel disconnected from those around us.
- SCIELine e-bulletin – 20 June 2019
- Drug Safety Update – June 2019
- GIRFT stakeholder newsletter – June 2019
- National Reporting and Learning System monthly report England – June 2018 to May 2019
- Delayed transfer of care (DTOC) improvement tool – updated with April 2019 data