Knowledge @lert for Friday 21st June
Designing integrated care systems
NHS England has published Designing integrated care systems (ICSs) in England. This guide is aimed at all the health and care leaders working to offer well-co-ordinated efficient services a reality. It sets out the different levels of management that make up an integrated care system, describing their core functions, the rationale behind them and how they will work together.
Driving improvement in independent hospitals
The Care Quality Commission has published Driving improvement: case studies from eight independent hospitals. This report explores how eight independent acute hospitals have been able to make significant improvements in the quality of care and improve their CQC rating on re-inspection.
Investing in the NHS Long Term Plan
The Health Foundation has published Investing in the NHS long term plan: job done? This briefing analyses the challenges facing health and social care and looks at the implications of the plan for activity levels and workforce in the NHS in England. It sets out funding scenarios for areas of health spending outside NHS England’s budget (including NHS workforce, capital investment, the prevention agenda and adult social care) and examines the potential impact on wider public spending.
The findings of the analysis are supported by a survey carried out by NHS Confederation Unfinished business: the need to invest in the whole health and care system. This report sets out views from health service leaders about their experiences of implementing the long-term plan to date.
Carer’s breaks
The Social Care Institute for Excellence has published Carers’ breaks: guidance for commissioners and providers. This guidance is for commissioners, providers and others involved in the planning, shaping and delivery of support for adult carers. It aims to improve outcomes and practice, promote innovation and remove some of the barriers carers face in meeting their needs for a break from caring. It includes case studies.
Advocacy for children
The Children’s Commissioner has published Advocacy for children. This report takes stock of advocacy provided by local authorities and highlights ongoing issues observed by the Children’s Commissioner’s Help at Hand service, which provides advice and help to children in care. This research is intended to contribute to ongoing work to promote support for effective advocacy and to ensure that children and young people receive a good service wherever they are.
Preparing primary and community care for genomic research
The National Institute for Health Research and Royal College of General Practitioners have published Preparing primary and community care in the NHS for genomic research: A joint report by the NIHR CRN and RCGP. This report contains recommendations to promote genomic research in primary and community care.
Cancer patient survival: stage at diagnosis
The Office for National Statistics has published How stage at diagnosis affects survival of cancer patients. This article presents new five-year cancer survival estimates by stage and outlines how stage of diagnosis for different cancers affects health outcomes
Oesophago-gastric cancer
The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership has published Oesophago-gastric cancer: short report. This is part of a series of short reports exploring specific issues in Oesophago-Gastric (OG) cancer. This report examines why patients with a curative treatment plan for oesophago-gastric cancer do not go on to receive surgery. The National Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Audit plans to follow-up this initial investigation with further evaluation to enable specific recommendations in subsequent works.
Views of first time Chief Executives
The NHS Confederation has published The best job in the world? The views of first time chief executives. This report sets outlines the views of new NHS chief executives on the changes in leadership approach and culture that they believe will be required if the NHS is to meet the ambitions of the Long Term Plan.
Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme
The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership has published Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme: annual report 2019. This annual report examines the findings of data collected during five years from April 2013 – March 2018. It aims to provide a picture of the characteristics of people who have a stroke and the care that is provided to them in hospital and following discharge. It also examines changes over time, highlighting those aspects of care which are improving, stagnating or deteriorating, and discusses what still needs to be done to improve stroke care for patients.
- QualityWatch combined performance summary – April-May 2019
- Deaths in people aged 75 years and older in England in 2017
- Friends and Family Test data – April 2019
- Quarterly performance of the NHS provider sector – quarter 4 2018/19
- Patient Safety Alert compliance data – June 2019
- Safer radiotherapy: summary of error data analysis – May 2019
- Monthly Legionella report – May 2019
- Routine reports of gastrointestinal infections in humans, England and Wales – April and May 2019
- Child and infant mortality in England and Wales – 2017
- Infant mortality (birth cohort) in England and Wales – 2016
- Abortion statistics for England and Wales – 2018
- Ambulance Quality Indicators: Clinical Outcomes – January 2019 data
- Ambulance Quality Indicators: Systems Indicators – May 2019 data
- Community Services Statistics – February 2019
- Mental Health Early Intervention in Psychosis – April 2019
- Mental Health Services Monthly Statistics – Final March, Provisional April 2019
- Out of Area Placements in Mental Health Services – March 2019
- Psychological Therapies: reports on the use of IAPT services, England – March 2019 including reports on the IAPT pilots and quarter 4 2018-19 data
- NHS Surplus Land 2018/19 England Additional link: NHS Digital press release
- Quarterly epidemiological commentary: mandatory MRSA, MSSA and Gram-negative bacteraemia, and C. difficile infection data – January to March 2019
NIHR Signals
The following research summaries have been added to the National Institute for Health Research website:
- More than 80% of total knee replacements can last for 25 years
- Smartphones instead of direct supervision can improve adherence rates for TB treatment