Knowledge @lert for Tuesday 11th June
Frailty toolkit
NHS RightCare has published the NHS RightCare Frailty Toolkit. The toolkit provides expert practical advice and guidance on how to commission and provide the best system wide care for people living with frailty. It will support systems to understand the priorities in frailty identification and care, and key actions to take. It also provides a way to assess and benchmark current systems to find opportunities for improvement.
NICE guidance
Technology appraisal guidance
The future of eye care
Reform has published The future of eye care: building on NHS reform success. This briefing provides an overview of policy developments in the eye care sector. It also addresses the cutting-edge technologies that are coming into use in the eye care sector, which further evidences its key role in driving forward modernisation in the service.
Biosimilar Medicine
NHS England has published What is biosimilar medicine? This document provides an update for key clinical and non-clinical stakeholders about the role of biosimilar medicines in the NHS in England and to support the safe, effective and consistent use of all biological medicines, including biosimilar medicines, to the benefit of patients.
NHS People Plan – additional resources
Following on from yesterday’s publication of the Interim NHS People Plan, NHS England has published a summary of engagement with stakeholders to date, as well as further information regarding specific groups of NHS staff.
In addition, NHS England has published a speech from the Secretary of State for Health on the launch of the NHS People Plan.
The following blogs and briefing relating to the NHS People Plan have also been published:
Antidepressants and depression
The Royal College of Psychiatrists has published a Position statement on antidepressants and depression. The statement calls on NICE to update its antidepressant withdrawal advice to reflect the wide range of experiences patients have. It suggests greater focus is needed on how to assist patients who have problems when withdrawing from antidepressants and more research to quantify how many people have problems when stopping antidepressants.
National health campaigns – June 2019
- BNF Healthy Eating Week – 10-14 June 2019
- Carers week – 10-16 June2019
- Men’s Health Week – 10-16 June 2019
- Cervical Screening Awareness Week – 10-16 June 2019
- National Clean Air Day – 20 June 2019
- Dementia assessment and referral – March 2019
- Cancer survival smoothed life tables
- MRSA bacteraemia: monthly data by location of onset and NHS organisation – April 2018 to April 2019
- MSSA bacteraemia: monthly data by location of onset and NHS organisation – April 2018 to April 2019
- C. difficile infection: monthly data by prior trust exposure and NHS organisation – April 2018 to April 2019
- E. coli bacteraemia: monthly data by location of onset and NHS organisation – April 2018 to April 2019
- P. aeruginosa bacteraemia: monthly data by location of onset and NHS organisation – April 2018 to April 2019
- NHS key statistics: England – May 2019 (House of Commons Library)
- Venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk assessment data – Q4 2018/19
- Sexually transmitted infections and chlamydia screening in England: 2018
- Local Health – June 2019 update (data on public health and wider determinants of health for small areas)
- Recorded dementia diagnoses – April 2019
- NICE Update for Primary Care – May 2019
- NICE News – May 2019
- Vaccine update – Issue 294, May 2019
- NHS Workforce Bulletin – 28 May 2019
- NHS Providers summary of statutory board meetings (CQC and HEE) – May 2019