Knowledge @lert for Tuesday 21st May
Patient-level National Cost Collections
NHS Improvement has published summarised patient-level costs from voluntary provider submissions for 2017/18. Patient-level National Cost Collections are mandated for acute providers from 2019, with other sectors to follow. This report contains voluntary reporting by early-implementing NHS providers in 81 acute trusts, 18 mental health providers and 7 ambulance services.
Board leadership
NHS Providers has published We still need to talk about boards. This resource sets out a rational for board leadership now and in the future. It reflects on changes in the health policy environment including the NHS long term plan, with its evolution of integrated care systems and the renewed focus on collaboration over competition.
The Long Term Plan and the finance function
The Healthcare Financial Management Association has published What does the NHS long-term plan mean for the finance function? This document assesses the implications of the NHS long term plan for finance teams.
Reducing the risk of dementia
The World Health Organisation’s Regional Office for Europe has published Risk reduction of cognitive decline and dementia. These WHO guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations on lifestyle behaviours and interventions to delay or prevent cognitive decline and dementia. They are intended as a tool for health care providers, governments, policy-makers and other stakeholders to strengthen their response to the dementia challenge. Additional link: WHO press release
Patient experience (including patient transport)
Healthwatch has published their latest quarterly report What people have told us about health and social care: January to March 2019. This briefing highlights what the public are saying about primary care, secondary care and social care. It also takes an in-depth look at why people are facing problems with patient transport.
NHS research priorities
The Academic Health Sciences Network and the National Institute for Health Research have published National survey of local innovation and research needs of the NHS. This report outlines findings from a survey to identify local NHS innovation and research needs. Whilst there were some differences in regional priorities, common themes emerged which reflected wider challenges facing the NHS and align with the priorities of the long term plan.
Learning health systems
The Nuffield Trust has published What can the NHS learn from learning health systems? Drawing on a seminar and on evidence and experience from the UK and internationally, this briefing identifies opportunities for local organisations and systems to make better use of health data, and recommends ways that national policy could promote the collaboration and greater use of analytics which underpin the ‘learning health system’ concept.
National Prostate Cancer Audit
The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership has published the National Prostate Cancer Audit patient summary 2018. This report provides a summary for patients of the National Prostate Cancer Audit (NCPA) report published in February 2019. The NPCA collects clinical information about the treatment and outcomes of all patients newly diagnosed with prostate cancer in England and Wales.
Referral and single points of access
NHS Improvement has published resources for Referrals and single points of access. The NHS Long Term Plan sets out a key ambition for implementing a single point of access through NHS 111 for urgent care in the community. In anticipation, this resource provides information to support providers implement a single point of access across all services they are accountable for and implement and maintain an electronic directory of services.
Children and young people
The Nuffield Trust has published a QualityWatch indicator Update on Children and young people. This update looks at trends in the quality of care for children and young people. It highlights the increase in childhood obesity, the stalling in rates of infant mortality, and an increase in hospital admissions as a result of self-harm. However, there have been some promising improvements including a reduction in smoking among young people and a decrease in teenage pregnancy.
Contribution of large charities to shaping health and care
The King’s Fund has published Investing in quality: the contribution of large charities to shaping future health and care. This report explores how the work of the National Garden Scheme and its beneficiaries fits within the context of the future of policy development in health and care. It contains case studies which provide an insight into areas of practice and care that are developing but have far wider relevance.
Indication-Based Pricing
The Office of Health Economics has published Indication-Based Pricing (IBP) Discussion Paper: should drug prices differ by indication? This report explains the major issues to consider around indication-based pricing which is one option being proposed to better link price of medicines with value. The Office of Health Economics is seeking views on the best way forward for medicine payment mechanisms. The consultation closes on 24 June 2019.
Screening KPI data
Public Health England has published Screening KPI data summary factsheets: May 2019. This report presents the key performance indicator data for all 11 national screening programmes.
NIHR Signals
The following research summaries have been added to the National Institute for Health Research website:
- Goal-setting can help people with early-stage dementia improve function
- Partial knee replacements have some short-term advantages compared to total knee replacements
NICE guidance
Technology appraisal guidance
TA580 | Enzalutamide for hormone-relapsed non-metastatic prostate cancer |
TA581 | Nivolumab with ipilimumab for untreated advanced renal cell carcinoma |
- Summary Hospital-level Mortality Indicator (SHMI) – Deaths associated with hospitalisation – January 2018 – December 2018.
- Direct access audiology waiting times – March 2019
- Learning Disability Services Monthly Statistics Provisional Statistics – AT: April 2019, MHSDS: February 2019 Final
- Delayed transfer of care (DTOC) improvement tool – March 2019 data
- Patient Safety Alert compliance data – May 2019
- NHS Workforce Bulletin – 13 May 2019
- Drug Safety Update – May 2019