Knowledge @lert for Wednesday 15th May
Investing in health and care data analytics
The Health Foundation has published Untapped potential: investing in health and care data analytics. This report highlights nine key reasons why there should be more investment in analytical capability. It explores some of the ways in which good data analytics can support decision makers which could result in an NHS that can make faster progress on improving outcomes for patients.
Adult health screening
The Public Accounts Committee has published Adult health screening. This report summarises evidence on the management of four screening programmes in England: bowel cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer and abdominal aortic aneurysm. The report finds that the Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England and Public Health England are not doing enough to make sure that everyone who is eligible to take part in screening is doing so, and do not know if everyone who should be invited for screening has been.
National Audit of breast cancer in older patients
The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership has published National Audit of Breast Cancer in Older Patients: 2019 annual report. This third annual report describes the process and outcomes of care for 147,162 patients, diagnosed with breast cancer between 1st January 2014 and 31st December 2017 in England and Wales. The patterns of care received by people aged 70+ years are compared with the care received by people diagnosed with breast cancer aged 50–69 years.
National diabetes audits
The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership has published the results of the following audits relating to diabetes:
- National Paediatric Diabetes Audit: annual report 2017-18: care processes and outcomes – provides an analysis of data for children and young people with diabetes including information on prevalence of diabetes, diabetes-related outcomes and complications, compliance with health care checks and recommendations for improvements in care
- National Diabetes Inpatient Audit – measures the quality of diabetes care provided to people with diabetes while they are admitted to hospital. The results are presented in two reports covering the hospital characteristics survey and serious inpatient harms
Additional links: NHS Digital – National Diabetes Inpatient Audit (NaDIA) – 2018 | NHS Digital National Diabetes Inpatient Audit – Harms, 2018
- National Diabetes Foot Care Audit: fourth annual report – measures the outcomes and treatment structures/processes for newly-occurring foot ulcers affecting people with diabetes.
Additional link: NHS Digital – National Diabetes Foot Care Audit, 2014-2018
National Lung Cancer Audit
The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership has published National Lung Cancer Audit annual report 2018. This report represents the culmination of nearly two years of patient care and follow up, data collection, data analysis and interpretation. Its purpose is to understand the current quality of care and outcomes for patients with lung cancer, to celebrate good practice and to highlight variability, to ensure that all patients have access to the best care.
What the long term plan means for system working
NHS Providers has published What the long term plan means for system working. This briefing addresses he commitments set out in the long term plan and analyses what they mean for providers within a system context under six key themes: the future of system working, legislative change, governance and accountability, regulation, finances and population health and integration. The briefing is part of a series on the progress of STPs.
Workforce Race Equality Standard data
NHS England has published 2018 Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) data analysis report for eight national healthcare organisations. This report presents two years of workforce race equality data and enables organisations to compare their performance with others providing similar services, with the aim of encouraging improvement by learning and sharing good practice.
Organisation-wide improvement in health care
The Health Foundation has published The improvement journey: why organisation-wide improvement in health care matters, and how to get started. This report is a practical guide to developing an organisation-wide approach to improvement. It summarises the benefits of such an approach and outlines the key elements and steps that NHS trust leaders should adopt when pursuing this agenda. It is accompanied by a poster showing the six key steps in the improvement journey (pdf).
Complaints to PHSO
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman has produced the following leaflets setting out how they handle complaints:
- How we look into complaints: an overview
- What happens when you first contact us
- Deciding whether to investigate
- What happens when we investigate
Number of GPs in the UK
The Nuffield Trust has carried out an analysis of the number of GPs in the UK. The analysis draws on published data and indicates the number of GPs relative to the size of the population has fallen in a sustained way for the first time since the 1960s. The fall has been particularly marked in certain regions of England.
The Nuffield Trust has also produced an explainer The NHS workforce in numbers. This summary provides facts on health care staffing and highlights the extent of current shortages and their effect.
NICE guidance
NICE guideline
NG131 | Prostate cancer: diagnosis and management |
Technology appraisal guidance
TA579 | Abemaciclib with fulvestrant for treating hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative advanced breast cancer after endocrine therapy |
Medtech innovation briefing
MIB182 | SEM Scanner for pressure ulcer prevention |
MIB183 | Peezy Midstream for urine collection |
MIB184 | DuraGraft for preserving vascular grafts |
Diagnostic guidance
DG35 | Lead-I ECG devices for detecting symptomatic atrial fibrillation using single time point testing in primary care |
Medical technologies guidance
MTG43 | PICO negative pressure wound dressings for closed surgical incisions |
MTG44 | Curos for preventing infections when using needleless connectors |
- Combined Performance Summary – May 2019
- A&E attendances and emergency admissions – April 2019
- Critical care bed capacity and urgent operations cancelled – March 2019
- Delayed Transfers of Care – March 2019
- Diagnostics waiting times and activity – March 2019
- Mixed Sex Accommodation Breaches – March 2019
- Monthly hospital activity data – March 2019
- NHS 111 Minimum Data Set – April 2019 data
- NHS Cancelled Elective Operations – Q4 2018/19
- Provisional Monthly Hospital Episode Statistics for Admitted Patient Care, Outpatient and Accident and Emergency data – April 2018 – March 2019 (M12)
- Provisional Accident and Emergency Quality Indicators for England – March 2019, by provider
- Referral to treatment waiting times statistics for consultant-led elective care – March 2019
- Waiting times for suspected and diagnosed cancer patients – March 2019
- Waiting times for suspected and diagnosed cancer patients – Q4 2018/19 (Commissioner based)
- Waiting times for suspected and diagnosed cancer patients – Q4 2018/19 (Provider based)
- Public Health Outcomes Framework – May 2019 data update
- Suicide prevention profile – May 2019 update
- Local Alcohol Profiles for England – May 2019 data update
- Cardiovascular disease profiles – May 2019 update
- End of Life Care Profiles – May 2019 data update
- National Child Measurement Programme and Child Obesity Profile – academic year 2017 to 2018 update
- Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet, England, 2019
- NHS Improvement Provider Bulletin – 8 May 2019
- National intelligence network on drug health harms briefing – May 2019
- SCIELine e Bulletin – 3 May 2019