Knowledge @lert for Wednesday 1st May
Emergency care
The Nuffield Trust has published an indicator update on Emergency care. The update summarises trends in the quality of emergency care and includes links to more detailed content and analysis.
Did government spending cuts to social care for older people lead to an increase in emergency hospital admissions? An ecological study, England 2005–2016 – The Strategy Unit
Cuts to council social care budgets are often cited as a cause of pressure on NHS urgent and emergency care services. Much of the evidence supporting this link, however, is anecdotal. This paper set out to try and quantify the effect of cuts to social care on older people’s use of emergency healthcare services.
The task for providers in 2019/20
NHS Providers has published The task for providers in 2019/20. This report draws on the results of a survey of NHS Providers’ members and assesses the task facing trusts in the year ahead. It focuses on the deliverability of control totals, the efficiency challenge, and the likely impact on performance across the provider sector.
Community services: our time – NHS Providers
This report explores the opportunities and risks for the sector as a result of the NHS long term plan. It pulls together a range of voices from sectors representing NHS trust leaders, from the hospital, community, ambulance and mental health sectors, as well as representation from social care, primary care, and integrated care systems. It found that there is optimism among leaders within the community services sector about delivering the ambitions of the NHS long term plan but there are key questions to be addressed about the relationship between community services and primary care networks.
Every minute matters: the impact of delayed discharges from hospital on terminally ill people in Northern Ireland – Marie Curie.
This report focuses on the extent – and underlying causes – of delayed discharges across local hospitals in Northern Ireland, the impact these delays are having on terminally ill people and what can be done to address the issue.
Caring for the mental health of the medical workforce – British Medical Association
This report provides a summary of findings from a large-scale survey into doctors’ and medical students’ mental health. The survey, which was open to BMA members and non-members across the UK received over 4,300 responses. Four in ten respondents to our survey reported currently experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, burnout, stress, emotional distress or a mental health condition that is impacting on their work/training/study.
Key trends in social care
The King’s Fund has published a ‘long read’ Social care 360. This review outlines and analyses 20 key trends in adult social care in England over recent years. It takes a broad perspective, including indicators that relate closely to health, housing, benefits and carers, as well as to the services provided by local authorities, and in doing so provides a ‘360 degree’ view of the sector. The review covers access, expenditure, providers, workforce and carers, quality and integration with other services.
Links between oral health and general health
The Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons has published a position statement on oral health and general health. The statement highlights the links between oral health and general health, including conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and makes recommendations about how the oral health profession can play a broader role in prevention.
Prevention of patient/doctor conflict in paediatrics
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health has issued advice for health professionals on prevention recognition and management of conflict in paediatric practice. Following a number of high profile cases where there is disagreement with the management of a child’s healthcare, this advice offers options to support professionals to identify and reduce disharmony whilst maintaining the child’s best interest.
- Practice Level Prescribing – February 2019
- Maternity Services Monthly Statistics – January 2019, Experimental statistics
- Diagnostic Imaging Dataset – December 2018
- NHS Sickness Absence Rates – October to December 2018 Provisional Statistics
- NHS Workforce Statistics – January 2019
- Healthcare Workforce Statistics– September 2018, Experimental
- Statistics on NHS Stop Smoking Services in England – April 2018 to December 2018
- Healthcare expenditure: UK health accounts, 2017
- NICE Update for Primary Care – April 2019
- NICE News – April 2019