Knowledge @lert for Wednesday 3rd April
Staffing on wards – National Institute for Health Research
The nature of patient needs and ward activity is changing. Inpatients tend to be more ill than they used to be, many with complex needs often arising from multiple long-term conditions. At the same time, hospitals face the challenges of a shortage and high turnover of registered nurses. This review presents recent evidence from National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)-funded research, including studies on the number of staff needed, the support workforce and the organisation of care on the wards.
DynaMed Plus – recent updates.
“DynaMed Plus topics include concise summaries and detailed recommendations based on the most current evidence..”
The following topics have been updated with new research evidence. Full text available with your NHS OpenAthens account or contact the Hanley Library for further details.
- Delirium in the intensive care unit (ICU)
- Management of routine labor
- Graves disease in adults
- Ablation therapy for atrial fibrillation
- Analgesia, sedation, and use of paralytics in the intensive care unit
- Stenting during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)
- Risk factors for venous thromboembolism
NHSE and NHSI funding
NHS England (NHSE) and NHS Improvement (NHSI) have published NHS England and NHS Improvement funding and resource 2019/20: supporting ‘The NHS Long Term Plan. This document provides information about NHSE and NHSI funding in 2019/20. It also sets out how the two organisations will support The Long Term Plan through distribution of funding, people and resources, to transform local health and care systems.
Coronial investigations of stillbirths
The Department of Health and Social Care has launched a consultation on Coronial investigations of stillbirths. This consultation seeks views on proposals for introducing coronial investigations of stillbirth cases which aim to bring greater independence to the way stillbirths are investigated, ensure transparency and disseminate learning from investigations to help prevent future avoidable stillbirths. The consultation closes on 18 June 2019.
NHS waiting times for elective and cancer treatment
The National Audit Office has published NHS waiting times for elective and cancer treatment. This review presents data on the NHS performance against current waiting times standards for elective and cancer care in England, and some of the factors associated with that performance. It draws together existing evidence and analysis by the Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England, NHS Improvement and other stakeholders.
Branded medicines prescribing
The Department of Health and Social Care has published Annual review of the Branded Health Service Medicines (costs) Regulations 2018. This document provides details of the first annual review of the regulations relating to the statutory scheme for branded medicines pricing.
GP contract directions 2019 to 2020
The Department of Health and Social Care has published GP contract directions 2019 to 2020. These directions set out the legal framework under which GPs operate and are paid, for both primary medical services and general medical services.
National flu immunisation programme 2019/20
NHS England has published The national flu immunisation programme 2019/20. This letter describes the national flu immunisation programme for 2019 to 2020 and provides information on the adults and children eligible to be vaccinated under the programme.
- Index of cancer survival for Clinical Commissioning Groups in England: adults diagnosed 2001 to 2016 and followed up to 2017
- Bed occupancy rates within STPs over winter
- Maternity Services Monthly Statistics – December 2018, Experimental statistics
- Deaths registered by area in England and Wales, monthly provisional – February 2019
- Quarterly mortality report, England – October to December 2018 and year-end review
- Compendium Mortality Indicators – March 2019 release
- Practice Level Prescribing – January 2019
- Prescription Cost Analysis – England, 2018
- Cover of vaccination evaluated rapidly (COVER) programme 2018 to 2019 – October to December 2018
- CQC local authority area data profiles – updated March 2019
- Child obesity and excess weight: small area level data – March 2019
- Health state life expectancies by national deprivation deciles, England and Wales: 2015 to 2017
Our Fabulous NHS – Academy of Fabulous Stuff
***Get involved*** – share your fab stuff!
Combating Loneliness.
Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust patient experience strategy ‘Developing the Experience of Care’ centres around 8 co-produced pledges, one of which focuses on discharge and facilitating better links into Community Support. A project to combat loneliness was led by a Trust patient representative who was passionate about this subject and was able to work collaboratively with local third sector organisations. The result of this work produced an information booklet which supports relieving loneliness by including information on a number of local organisations that patients, families and carers can contact for support. It was felt that patients are offered a large amount of information at discharge, which at times is often overwhelming. Therefore it was thought that an A6 pocket sized booklet which included information from multiple organisations would be more ‘user friendly’.