Knowledge @lert for Wednesday 9th January
NHS Long Term Plan: briefing and additional links
NHS Providers has published an On the day briefing for the NHS Long Term Plan. This document summarises key content included in each chapter of the Plan: a new service model, action on prevention and health inequalities, progress on care quality and outcomes, the NHS workforce, digitally-enabled care, value for money and the next steps in implementing the plan. It also includes NHS Providers’ view and press statement.
Further information regarding the plan is available as follows:
- Secretary of State’s oral statement
- DHSC news story
- NHS Employers news item
- NHS Clinical Commissioners response
- Centre for Mental Health response
- BBC News report
NHS Pay Review Body
NHS Employers has published their Submission to the NHS Pay Review Body. As a multi-year pay deal is in place for staff within the remit of the NHS Pay Review Body, the purpose of the evidence this year is not to seek recommendations on pay. Instead the evidence is focused on updating the NHS Pay Review Body on the progress of the implementation of the pay deal.
Improving staff retention: flexible working – NHS Improvement
This guide from NHS Employers explores how to build a business case for flexible working and includes examples of good practice, as well as more general practical tips.
Improving staff retention: Key conversations to have with your staff – NHS Improvement
Being pre-emptive and preventative in retaining staff can be hugely effective.
Cochlear implants for children and adults with severe to profound deafness (part review of TA166)tags: New technologies. – National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
Hundreds more people with severe to profound deafness are expected to be eligible for cochlear implants each year, due to this updated NICE guidance. The update comes after a review of the definition of severe to profound deafness which is used to identify if a cochlear implant might be appropriate
e-Learning for Healthcare
The following programmes have been updated on the Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare website:
- Care Certificate e-learning programme
- Making Every Contact Count (MECC) e-learning programme – developing public health knowledge
Widening access to medical schools – NHS Employers
The Medical Schools Council has published a report on its work on selection and widening participation to medical schools.
NICE Shared Learning
- Implementation of Blueteq technology – a collaboration between East Staffordshire CCG and Burton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Pharmacy Team
- Implementation of a telephone appointment service. Improving access to Familial Hypercholesterolaemia cascade screening
- Adopting Thopaz+ portable digital system for managing chest drains on the cardiothoracic ward at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- The impact of Sherlock 3CG tip location and confirmation system (TCS) for PICC placement in our Radiology-based vascular access service
- New Medicines Newsletter – December 2018
- Medicines Use and Safety Updates – January 2019
- Health Protection Report – 4 January 2019