Knowledge @lert for Monday 19th November
Demand and capacity models
NHS England has published the following demand and capacity models and module which can be used to inform decision making and planning, in supporting delivery of timely care to patients:
- Core model – suitable for elective services with ‘simple’ pathways e.g. where patients are referred in, booked ahead for an appointment, and then move on to their next stage of treatment after being seen
- High complexity model – intended for services that have more complex pathways where patients may return for several follow up appointments at intervals which may change depending on how their condition progresses
- Aggregation module – allows linkage between individual demand and capacity models to create a whole pathway view of a service.
Delayed transfers of care
NHS England has published a series of practical resources to support health and social care staff to reduce delayed transfers of care. These guides are aimed to help health and social care staff to take prompt practical actions and use every opportunity to prevent delayed transfers of care. Through using these guides staff can address the evidence that staying in hospital for longer than required drives adverse outcomes for patients.
Instant messaging in a crisis: guidance
NHS England, NHS Digital, Public Health England and the Department of Health and Social Care have issued new guidance on how to use instant messaging safely to co-ordinate patients’ care during emergencies. The guidance will help NHS organisations and staff to make a judgement on how and when to use instant messaging safely in acute clinical settings, taking in to account data sharing and data privacy rules.
National Emergency Laparotomy Audit
The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership has published Fourth Patient Report of the National Emergency Laparotomy Audit (NELA). This audit report presents information about the care received by nearly 24,000 patients who had emergency bowel surgery between 1 December 2016 and 30 November 2017.
Improving access and continuity in general practice
The Nuffield Trust has published Improving access and continuity in general practice. This report sets out the evidence on continuity of care, its impact on clinical outcomes and wider health services, its importance to patients and GPs, and the relationship between improved access initiatives and continuity of care within general practice. It provides recommendations for commissioners and policy-makers.
CCG Improvement and Assessment Framework
NHS England has updated the CCG Improvement and Assessment Framework. The framework describes the CCG annual performance assessment and the metrics that will inform that assessment for 2018/19. It is accompanied by a Technical Annex which details the construction and purpose of each of the indicators in the CCG IAF.
Collaborative working: governance challenges
NHS Providers has published Collaborative working: tackling governance challenges in practice. This document outlines a series of case studies that examine emerging governance systems where local health and care systems are collaborating to make the best use of funding and accelerate the integration of services for patients.
A new approach for outpatient care
The Royal College of Physicians has published Outpatients: the future – adding value through sustainability. The report suggests a new approach to outpatient care is needed if it is to meet growing demand and reduce disruption to patients’ lives. It recommends replacing the current ‘one-size-fits-all’ model with a person-centred approach that recognises that people have varying health needs, personal pressures and abilities to self-care or manage. The report is accompanied by case studies. Additional links: RCP press release | NHS England press release
NHS Health Checks
The RAND Corporation has published Patient experience of NHS Health Checks: a systematic review and qualitative synthesis. This study examined patients’ experiences of the NHS Health Check programme. It found that while participants were generally very supportive of the programme and examples of behaviour change were reported, there are areas for improvements.
Atlas of variation for palliative and end of life care
Public Health England has published Atlas of variation for palliative and end of life care in England which presents data on 29 indicators across 3 sections: ‘Need for palliative and end of life care services’, ‘The role of hospitals in palliative and end of life care’, and ‘Palliative and end of life care in the community setting’.
Hepatitis C: patient re-engagement exercise
Public Health England has published information for GPs to support finding and treating patients diagnosed with Hepatitis C. To enable people previously diagnosed with hepatitis C to be treated, this national ‘patient re-engagement exercise’ aims to help find and treat people with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection to ensure all patients are offered oral therapies now available.
Maternity training
Baby Lifeline has published An investigation into Maternity training for frontline professionals across the UK (2017/18). This report provides an overall picture of maternity training in the UK and reviews the extent to which existing guidance and recommendations on maternity training are being followed by NHS Trusts.
Each Baby Counts
The Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists has published Each Baby Counts: 2018 progress report. This report presents key findings and recommendations based on the analysis of data from 2016 relating to the care given to mothers and babies, to ensure each baby receives the safest possible care during labour. Each Baby Counts is a clinical quality improvement programme that aims to halve the number of stillbirths and babies who die or are left severely disabled due to incidents during term labour by 2020.
NICE guidance
NICE guideline (update)
NG88 | Heavy menstrual bleeding: assessment and management |
Interventional procedures guidance
IPG631 | Subcutaneous automated low-flow pump implantation for refractory ascites caused by cirrhosis |
Technology appraisal guidance
TA545 | Gemtuzumab ozogamicin for untreated acute myeloid leukaemia |
- NICE in Social Care – November 2018
- SCIEline – 9 November 2018
- New Medicines Newsletter – October 2018
- NHS Workforce Bulletin – 5 Nov 2018
- NHS Communications Bulletin – 2 November 2018
- Patients Registered at a GP Practice – November 2018
- NHS screening programmes: KPI reports 2018 to 2019 – Q1, April to June 2018
- Community Services Statistics for Children, Young People and Adults – July 2018
- Children and Young People Eating Disorder Collection – Q2 2018/2019
- Diagnostics waiting times and activity – September 2018
- Referral to treatment waiting times statistics for consultant-led elective care – September 2018
- Waiting times for suspected and diagnosed cancer patients – Q2 2018/19 (Commissioner based)
- Waiting times for suspected and diagnosed cancer patients – Q2 2018/19 (Provider based)
- NHS Cancelled Elective Operations – Q2 2018/19
- Critical care bed capacity and urgent operations cancelled – September 2018
- Mixed Sex Accommodation Breaches – September 2018
- NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care – Q2 2018/2019
- Ambulance Quality Indicators: Clinical Outcomes – June 2018 data
- Ambulance Quality Indicators: Systems Indicators – October 2018 data