Knowledge @lert for Tuesday 19th June
Grand Round – SDGH Education Centre – Lecture Theatre, 1-2pm, Friday 22nd June.
Dr May Ng – Diabetes UK 2018 Mary MacKinnon Award Lecture ‘Technology Telemedicine and Social Media are tools to improve health outcomes, education and patient engagement in a diabetes service’.
All staff and students welcome.
Advice on dementia risk
Public Health England (PHE) have published a news story saying that healthcare professionals in GP surgeries and the community will soon give advice on dementia risk to patients as part of the NHS Health Check for people over 40. Guidance on how to reduce the risk of dementia will be given to patients at GP surgeries and through community health programmes. PHE says up to one-third of dementia cases could be improved through lifestyle choices but 28% of people have no awareness of risk factors and only 2% know what they can do to reduce them. The planned roll-out follows a small pilot conducted by PHE, with the help of Alzheimer’s Research UK and the Alzheimer’s Society, which led to both charities calling for it to become mandatory.
Recruitment of non-EU doctors and nurses
NHS Providers has released a statement welcoming reports that doctors and nurses will be excluded from the tier 2 visa cap. The cap currently sets a limit for all non-EU skilled workers at 20,700 people a year. The move would allow the NHS to recruit more staff from outside the European Economic Area and help ease serious workforce pressure.
Children’s excess sugar consumption
Public Health England have published a news story highlighting that children in England have already consumed more than a year’s worth of sugar. Children aged 4 to 10 years should have no more than the equivalent of 5 to 6 cubes of sugar each day, but are consuming on average 13 cubes. This means they are on track to consume around 4,800 cubes of sugar by the end of the year, more than double the maximum recommendation.
Improving exception reporting for junior doctors
NHS Improvement has published a joint statement on its intent to work in collaboration with the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, British Medical Association, Care Quality Commission, General Medical Council, NHS Health Education England and NHS Employers to improve the effectiveness of exception reporting for junior doctors. Exception reporting is a contractual mechanism which doctors in training can use to report patient safety, rostering and training concerns. An effective exception reporting system will improve workplace wellbeing, morale and patient safety. The aim is to streamline the process for trainees and employers, as well as develop a ‘speak up’ culture within the NHS.
Value-based approaches to health and care
The NHS Confederation has published Taking the Value-based Agenda Forward: The five essential components of value-based approaches to health and care. This paper explores how to spread the adoption of value-based healthcare across all parts of the system and ensure that benefits are maximised for those who use NHS and wider services.
NHS performance
NHS Providers has issued a statement in response to NHS England’s publication of its latest monthly combined NHS performance statistics which cover the four hour A&E target, cancer treatment performance and the 18 week referral to treatment target.
Perinatal mortality report
The Health Quality Improvement Partnership has published the fourth MBRRACE-UK (Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through Audits and Confidential Enquiries across the UK) report, providing information on extended perinatal deaths across the UK.
Reducing long hospital stays
NHS Improvement has published Guide to reducing long hospital stays. This guide offers practical steps and tactics to support the NHS and partners to use an optimal approach to managing hospital length of stay. It is primarily aimed at acute and community trusts, but also makes reference to how system partners can play a supporting role.
Public spending on children
The Children’s Commissioner for England’s Office has published Public spending on children: 2000 to 2020. This report, produced by the Institute for Fiscal Studies, examines levels of government spending on children between 2000 and 2020. The analysis reveals a number of trends, with mainstream and acute services, such as 4-16 education and support for children in care, protected at the expense of targeted preventative services.
Adult social services budget survey
ADASS has published ADASS budget survey 2018. This annual survey analyses the state of adult social care finances in England. The overall picture is of a sector struggling to meet need and maintain quality in the context of rising costs, increasingly complex care needs, a fragile provider market and pressures from an NHS which itself is in critical need of more funding.
Case studies: NHS England and NHS Confederation
- New perinatal mental health mother and baby unit transforms care for mothers and babies in the South West – first new Mother and Baby unit in the country
- Making transforming care work for children, young people and families: bringing Josh home to Cornwall – how transforming care helped Josh, who has a learning disability and autism, go home to live with his family in Cornwall
- A GP’s diary of quality improvement – looks at ways to improve consultations with child patients, particularly around feverish children and common childhood infections
- Redesigning care delivery: building the team around the patient – Chesterfield Royal Hospital uses new modes of care to overcome workforce supply challenges
- Start Well: Stay Well – a model to support new starters – looks at how Cambridge University Hospitals improved its rates of retention after identifying a high proportion of staff were leaving within the first 12 months of employment
NICE guidance
Technology appraisal guidance
Interventional procedures guidance
IPG616 | Intranasal phototherapy for allergic rhinitis |
- Overall patient experience scores – 2017 adult inpatient survey update
- NHS Health Check quarterly statistics – January to March 2018 offers and uptake
- Patient Safety Alert compliance data – June 2018
- Cervical screening: coverage by CCG and GP practice – September 2017
- Changing trends in mortality in England and Wales, 1990 to 2017: experimental statistics
- Quarterly mortality report, England – data up to Quarter 1 (January to March) 2018
- Waiting times for suspected and diagnosed cancer patients – 2017/18 annual report
- Waiting times for suspected and diagnosed cancer patients – April 2018
- Cancer survival in England: adult, stage at diagnosis and childhood – patients followed up to 2017
- Cancer before, during and after pregnancy (pdf)
- Quarterly Epidemiological Commentary: Mandatory MRSA, MSSA and Gram-negative bacteraemia and Clostridium difficile infection – data up to January to March 2018
NIHR Signals
- Balance of long-term benefits and risks of caesarean delivery explained
- Single routine offer of a blood test for prostate cancer did not save lives
- Fewer side-effects and similar benefits from shorter chemotherapy after bowel cancer surgery
- Provider bulletin – 13 June 2018