Knowledge @lert for Thursday 3rd May
Independent review of the Mental Health Act
The Department of Health and Social Care has published The independent review of the Mental Health Act: interim report. This review was set up to look at how the legislation in the Mental Health Act 1983 is used and how practice can improve. The interim report gives an update on the review’s findings and the areas it will look at next. The review will examine the issues as set out in the report before making its final recommendations.
NHS e-Referral Service: guidance for managing referrals
NHS England has published NHS e-Referral Service: guidance for managing referrals. This guidance and accompanying frequently asked questions document are intended to support NHS organisations implementing changes to deliver electronic referrals to first out-patient appointments across the NHS.
Nursing associates regulation
The Department of Health and Social Care has published Regulation of Nursing Associates in England: government response. This consultation response sets out the government analysis of the responses received and addresses specific questions and issues raised by respondents. The Department plans to move forward with the proposals to regulate the nursing associate profession.
NICE shared learning
- Collaboration between East Staffordshire CCG and Burton Hospitals NHS Foundation Provider Trust Pharmacy Team – Re-design of the management process to comply with NICE Technology Appraisals
- NICE CG32 Refeeding Guidelines: Retrospective audit comparing dietetic and medical practice of vitamin prescriptions, blood checks and K+, PO43- & Mg2+ replacement including discharge medications
- Utilising the skills of the clinical pharmacist within the MDT for improved medicines optimisation
Tackling workforce supply challenges
NHS Employers has published Tackling workforce supply challenges through local collaboration. This resource explores key ways of developing collaborative relationships, and showcases how organisations have taken steps to address local supply challenges through partnership working. It looks at good practice across the NHS and highlights key principles that can be put in place to help make a collaborative approach successful.
Ambulatory emergency care
NHS Improvement has published Ambulatory emergency care publications index. This document lists key resources relating to ambulatory emergency care from across the healthcare system including NHS Improvement, Ambulatory Emergency Care Network, Royal College of Physicians and NHS England.
NHS efficiency map
NHS Improvement and the Healthcare Financial Management Association have updated the NHS efficiency map. The map is a tool that promotes best practice in identifying, delivering and monitoring cost improvement programmes (CIPs) in the NHS.
Paediatric services audit
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health has published Facing the Future Audit 2017. This report presents evidence to demonstrate how paediatric services across the UK are meeting standards within ‘Facing the Future: Standards for acute general paediatric services’ and ‘Facing the Future: Together for child health’. The audits seek to draw out the intended and unintended impact of standards whilst collecting and sharing practice examples where standards are being met particularly well.
NHS cyber security
The Department of Health and Social Care has announced new measures to strengthen NHS cyber security. The measures include a new deal with Microsoft to ensure all health and care organisations are using the latest Windows 10 software, a new digital security operations centre, upgrades to firewalls and network infrastructure, a data security and protection toolkit and a text messaging alert system in the event of internet and email services outages.
Improving the effective use of data
Nesta has published Can government stop losing its mind? How network thinking can help us record, find and use what we need. This report sets out how the public sector could benefit from a federated, data-driven approach that provides greater power to its leaders, benefits its participants and users and improves performance through better use of, and structured access to, data. It includes examples and highlights next steps that can be made within government.
National health campaigns in May
The following health campaigns are taking place in May:
- National Walking Month – 1-31 May
- Action on Stroke Month – 1-31 May
- World Lupus Day – 10 May 2018
- Sun Awareness Week – 14-20 May
- National Epilepsy Week – 14-20 May
- Death Awareness Week – 14-20 May
- Mental Health Awareness Week – 14-20 May
- Deaf Awareness Week – 14-20 May
- World No Tobacco Day – 31 May
- Adult drinking habits in Great Britain: 2017
- Statistics on alcohol, England 2018
- Diabetes foot care profiles: update 2018
- Health Profiles – May 2018 data update
- Public Health Outcomes Framework – May 2018 data update
- Cardiovascular disease profiles – May 2018 update
- Wider determinants of health – May 2018 update
- Measuring National Well-being: quality of life in the UK, 2018
- Never events – 1 February to 31 March 2018, provisional
- Pertussis immunisation in pregnancy: vaccine coverage estimates (England)
- Meningococcal B immunisation programme: vaccine coverage estimates
- Critical care bed capacity and urgent operations cancelled – March 2018
- The NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council) register – 31 March 2018
- Air quality statistics in the UK 1987 to 2017 – annual update, April 2018
- Safety in custody quarterly: update to December 2017 – cover deaths, self-harm and assaults in prison custody in England and Wales
- Crime in England and Wales: year ending December 2017 – statistical bulletin and associated data tables
- NHS Improvement update – April 2018
- NHS Communications Bulletin – 26 April 2018
- NICE Update for Primary Care – April 2018
- NICE News – April 2018
- NHS Workforce Bulletin – 23 April 2018
- Provider bulletin – 25 April 2018