Knowledge @lert for Friday 10th February
#AMillionDecisions – Health Education England
Every day more than a million decisions are made across the NHS and healthcare sector. Under the Health and Social Care Act 2012 health services have a responsibility to ensure that evidence is obtained from research. Health Education England (HEE) and the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) have launched #AMillionDecisions campaign, calling for all decisions we make to be evidence based and to do this by utilising the skills of health librarians.
Find out more and pledge your support:
What’s behind delayed transfers of care? – Nuffield Trust
This briefing explores what the data tells us about delayed transfers of care and dispels some myths about how to prevent them.
Foundation programme 2017 undersubscription – The Foundation Programme
This briefing analyses data from the 2017 foundation programme recruitment round and finds that the overall percentage of UK medical students applying to the UK Foundation Programme has decreased from 94.8 per cent to 94.1 per cent. Using course withdrawal trend data from previous years, the briefing estimates that the programme will be undersubscribed by March 2017.
Junior doctors foundation programme reports published – NHS Employers
The United Kingdom Foundation Programme Office has published three new reports useful to employers with junior doctors.
High five – BBC News, Health
We look at five innovative schemes being run in the NHS around the UK.
A new relationship with people and communities: actions for delivering chapter 2 of the NHS five year forward view – People and Communities Board
As part of the NHS five year forward view, the PCB was invited to recommended a set of high-impact actions for adopting person- and community-centred approaches to health and social care. Chapter two of the forward view sets out a vision of health and care where people are fully engaged with their health. This report outlines actions and related recommendations for making this vision a reality. The actions address key areas in the NHS where substantial progress can be made over the next year. The annex highlights approaches or interventions developed within the voluntary sector which have the potential for wider adoption.
NHS England publish new guidelines on tackling conflicts of interest – NHS England
NHS England is publishing new guidelines that will strengthen the management of conflicts of interest and ensure that the NHS is a world leader for transparent and accountable healthcare. The guidance will permit staff, such as nurses, to receive a box of chocolates or other small tokens of gratitude from patients but will require […]
What questions should we be asking about STPs? – NHSI
Chairman, Ed Smith, talks about Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) and some of the key questions that he believes need be asked in order to take the right approach to planning.
Managing ethical issues in quality improvement
The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership has published Guide to managing ethical issues in quality improvement or clinical audit projects. This guide is intended to help those responsible to review and develop arrangements for effective ethics oversight of quality improvement and clinical audit activities.
An insight into frontline clinical care in acute hospitals – King’s Fund Blog, Chris Ham & Don Berwick
During the past year we have become increasingly aware of the pressures facing frontline clinicians working in acute hospitals. Each of us spent time in 2016 shadowing a general physician on his ward round to gain an understanding of work at the sharp end of acute medicine in an NHS trust rated as ‘outstanding’ by the Care Quality Commission.
State of maternity services report 2016 – Royal College of Midwives (RCM)
This annual report examines the statistics and figures around maternity services in order to identify emerging issues and trends. This year’s report identifies a demographic change in both patients and workforce. The number of midwives under 50 has fallen and the report highlights concerns around a future shortfall of midwives in the UK’s workforce.
The way forward – Royal College of Opthamologists (RCOpth)
These reports were commissioned by RCOpth to identify current methods of working and schemes devised by ophthalmology departments in the UK to help meet the increasing demand in ophthalmic services. The work found that increasing demand for hospital eye services is not being met and continues to grow – currently seeing nearly ten per cent of all outpatient appointments and performing six per cent of the surgery in the UK. Each report focuses on an area of high volume within opthalmic care: cataracts, glaucoma, emergency eye care, and age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinoptathy. The reports aim to offer a helpful resource for ophthalmologists who are seeking to develop their services to meet capacity needs