Knowledge @lert for Monday 16th January
NHS Indicators
The House of Commons library has published NHS Indicators: England, January 2017. This briefing covers areas such as: A&E, waiting lists, delayed transfers of care, staffing levels, and demand for hospital services.
Leading healthcare systems: STPs
The Institute of Healthcare Management has published Swimming together or sinking alone: health, care and the art of systems leadership. This report aims to help leaders understand the values, culture and skills they need as the NHS tries to change from organisations working in silos to local health and care networks focussed on the needs of patients. The report is based on a series of interviews with senior leaders in health and local government regarding the Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) process.
Sustainable development management plan guidance for health and social care organisations – Sustainable Development Unit
This guidance has been brought up to date with the current NHS standard contract and aims to provide more detailed guidance as to which areas are more or less appropriate for large providers, small providers and CCGs. It is intended to support organisations to understand the key elements that make up a Sustainable Development Management Plan (SDMP). It also provides some advice on how you can develop your organisation’s SDMP.
Becoming an apprentice assessor organisation – NHS Employers
Read the new guidance for employers who are interested in becoming a registered apprentice assessor.
Patient insight guides
NHS England has published two further bite-size guides to patient insight to help CCGs and providers make better use of national surveys and feedback data:
- How and when to commission new insight and feedback – explains the role of insight, the different kinds that can be used to build a reliable picture and how to commission new insight work through suppliers
- Insight – what is already available – provides an overview of the different types of information available and brief explanations of how they can be used.
Revalidation and appraisal of General Practitioners
The General Medical Council has published Sir Keith Pearson’s review of revalidation Taking Revalidation Forward: improving the process of relicensing for doctors (pdf). The report highlights evidence that patients expect there to be systems in place for checking that doctors continue to be safe to practise, but they are not generally aware of the important role they can play in this process. The report includes recommendations for easing the burden on doctors engaging in the revalidation and appraisal process.
- NHS Safety Thermometer Report – England December 2015 – December 2016
- Recorded Dementia Diagnoses – December 2016