Knowledge @lert for Wednesday 13th July
Shared learning and resources to prevent deterioration in adult patients – NHS Improvements
Shared learning for providers to support the prevention of deterioration in adult patients.
Failure to detect or act to prevent deterioration of the patient whose condition is amenable to treatment is still an area of harm that occurs in a wide range of acute clinical settings and is seen in adults and children. This report focuses on adult patients, the current pattern of harm and its causes to help improve future efforts in this area.
- past national initiatives
- key guidance and literature
- root cause analyses
- National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS) data
Treat signs of sepsis with same urgency as chest pain, says NICE – BMJ
Doctors should treat patients with suspected sepsis with the same urgency as those who present with chest pains, says new UK guidance from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Health professionals need to think about the possibility of sepsis in far more patients—all patients who may be infected, said NICE in its evidence based guideline for identifying and treatment sepsis.
Achieving effective, reliable and sustainable sepsis care – Advancing Quality Alliance (AQuA) Wednesday, 21 September 2016, Haydock, United Kingdom
The 3-day programme invites teams of around 5 – 7 people to work together to reduce the number of deaths from sepsis within their organisation. The programme uses a combination of theory, practical application and discussions to enable teams to:
- Apply their learning systematically to identify and address the key challenges in the identification and early treatment of sepsis patients.
- Support teams through offering a combination of face-to-face workshops and bespoke improvement support delivered by the AQ and AQuA team
This event is free to all AQuA member organisations.
Building bridges, breaking barriers: Integrated care for older people – CQC
Building bridges, breaking barriers looks at how well care for older people is integrated across health and social care, as well as the impact on older people who use services and their families and carers.
Serious incidents in NHS acute hospitals
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published Learning from serious incidents in NHS acute hospitals: a review of the quality of investigation reports. This briefing document discusses the need for a change in the way that serious incidents are investigated and managed in the NHS. It reviews a sample of serious incident investigation reports from 24 acute hospital trusts. It provides a summary of the findings and calls for all organisations to work together across the system to align expectations and create the right environment for open reporting, learning and improvement.
STPs could create ‘strategic partnerships’ with private companies – Health Service Journal
Sustainability and transformation plan leaders could establish “strategic partnerships” with independent sector organisations, a senior NHS England director has suggested.
Trusts told to curb clinical staff growth – Health Service Journal
Interventions taken by regulators in the coming weeks to regain control of NHS finances could result in some providers having fewer clinical staff, HSJ has been told.
A&E failure ‘normalised’ at some trusts – Health Service Journal
The emergency care performance of around 30 NHS trusts is “stuck”, Jim Mackey has warned, and “normalisation” of consistent, major breaches of the four hour target is occurring.
Regulator will ‘match make’ trusts that fail to consolidate back-office – Health Service Journal
NHS Improvement will start to “match make” trusts that fail to consolidate their back-office services, its chief executive has said.
Don’t automatically invest to meet CQC or Royal College standards warns Mackey – Health Service Journal
Jim Mackey has said financially stretched trusts should not automatically spend money on new staff or better facilities on the basis of a Care Quality Commission recommendation or in an attempt to meet royal medical college standards.
Trust forced to close unit for three months due to staff shortage – Health Service Journal
WORKFORCE: A shortage of midwives has forced an NHS trust to temporarily close a midwife led birth centre at Wycombe Hospital, HSJ has learned.
A flexible approach to end-of-life care – NHS Employers
Find out about the benefits of working flexibly to deliver end-of-life care training in a new case study from Kent Community Health NHS Trust. By delivering more than 850 training sessions to staff in dispersed locations, the trust has:
- improved the end-of-life care service being delivered to patients
- increased staff confidence in having end-of-life care conversations.
End of Life care
The Department of Health has published Our commitment to you for end of life care: the Government response to the review of choice in end of life care. This report details the six commitments that the government has made to the public to end variation in end of life care across the health system by 2020. It outlines the actions the government is taking to ensure all people have high quality, personalised end of life care built around their needs.
End-of-life care case study
NHS Employers has published a case study from Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust describing how staff are empowered to deliver end-of-life care. Making staff experts in delivering end-of-life care illustrates that through investing in education and training, the trust has been awarded an outstanding CQC rating for its end-of-life care services; improved patient care through improved staff communications; and received excellent feedback from patients’ families about the service provided.
Data security review
The National Data Guardian (NDG) has published Review of data security, consent and opt-outs. This review makes recommendations aimed at strengthening the safeguards for keeping health and care information secure and ensuring the public can make informed choices about how their data is used. The NDG proposes new data security standards for the NHS and social care, a method for testing compliance against the standards, and a new opt-out to make clear how people’s health and care information will be used and in what circumstances they can opt out.
- Maternity Services Monthly Statistics – February 2016, Experimental statistics
- NHS Safety Thermometer Report – England June 2015 – June 2016
- Dementia assessment and referral return – April 2016
- E. coli bacteraemia counts by clinical commissioning group and month – May 2015 to May 2016
- E. coli bacteraemia counts by NHS acute trust and month– May 2015 to May 2016
- MSSA bacteraemia counts by from CCG– May 2015 to May 2016
- MSSA bacteraemia counts by Acute trust – May 2015 to May 2016
- C. difficile infection counts by CCG and month – May 2015 to May 2016
- C. difficile infection counts by Acute trusts and month – May 2015 to May 2016
- MRSA bacteraemia: monthly data by post infection review assignment– May 2015 to May 2016