Knowledge @lert for Thursday 12th May
Contact the Library for further information on any of the topics listed below.
Unsafe discharge from hospital
The Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman has published A report of investigations into unsafe discharge from hospital. This report focuses on the increasing number of complaints that the service is receiving regarding people being discharged from hospital with poor planning, co-ordination and communication between hospital staff and between health and social care services. The report uses nine experiences drawn from recent complaints to highlight the problems of unsafe discharge.
Views from the front line of the NHS
The King’s Fund has published The chief executive’s tale: views from the front line of the NHS. This report, published in partnership with NHS Providers, draws on the views and experiences of twelve departed or departing chief executives, or those changing jobs within health care. It aims to illuminate the realities of leadership in today’s NHS. The interviews illustrate both the positives of the job and its current difficulties.
Leading in clinical commissioning
NHS Clinical Commissioners has published What makes a top clinical commissioning leader? This report highlights how both clinical and managerial leaders are integral to the success of a CCG, bringing different strengths to the organisation and its ability to deliver more for patients. The report sets out how current leaders can be supported, and a future generation inspired and encouraged to take up a role in commissioning.
Supply of NHS clinical staff
The House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts has published Managing the supply of NHS clinical staff in England: Fortieth Report of Session 2015–16. The report is calling for an urgent review of NHS clinical staffing in England and raises serious concerns about supply, budgeting, agency costs and leadership. In particular, the committee finds that there has been no coherent attempt to assess the headcount implications of a 7-day NHS. In 2014, there was an overall shortfall of around 5.9% between the number of clinical staff that healthcare providers said they needed and the number of staff in post, equating to a gap of around 50,000 staff.
Leadership and change will bring us resilience – Professor Jane Cummings, NHS England Blog
In the second of a series of three blogs, the Chief Nursing Officer for England marks International Nurses Day: ‘A force for change, improving health systems’ resilience’ is the theme of International Nurses Day this year. Some people may say the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Salford ‘appears’ favourite to be cancer surgery centre – Health Service Journal
Commissioners in Greater Manchester are likely to choose Salford Royal Foundation Trust as the single site for some specialised cancer services, according to local leaders.