Knowledge @lert for Friday 6th May
Contact the Library for further information on any of the topics listed below.
Nurse revalidation
The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) has published an update from the first round of nurse revalidation which started in April 2016. Latest figures show that 90.48 per cent of nurses and midwives who were due to revalidate, have successfully done so and renewed their registration with the NMC.
Find out how the Library & Knowledge Service can help you with your Revalidation
NICE resource planner
NICE has published its latest Resource planner to help those who plan for and implement NICE guidance. The planner lists upcoming guidance with indicative costs or savings for England, based on the draft guidance (if published). It also summarises the resource implications of published guidance that organisations may still be implementing.
District nursing in the Netherlands
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has updated The Buurtzorg Nederland (home care provider) model:observations for the United Kingdom. This briefing examines the success of the Buurtzorg community care programme in the Netherlands; the growth of interest in the UK for replicating this success; and the challenges that will need to be addressed to realise this. The briefing has been updated to reflect developments taking place across the UK with regards to piloting Buurtzorg, as well as the growth of RCN about how the model works.
Rationing by random waiting
The University of York Centre for Health Economics has published Optimal hospital payment rules under rationing by random waiting (Research paper 130). The authors derive optimal rules for paying hospitals in a public health care system in which patient demand is rationed by waiting time and hospitals can choose quality and make supply decisions that change the distribution of waiting times facing patients.
NICE Bites: Motor Neurone Disease
The April 2016 NICE Bites bulletin from the North West Medicines Information Service covers Motor Neurone Disease (NG42). The aim of this publication is to provide healthcare professionals with a clear and succinct summary of key prescribing points taken from the NICE guidance, NG42. This guideline covers includes recommendations on assessing and motor neurone disease (MND).
NICE Shared learning
NICE has published the following shared learning case studies:
- Insights from the NHS: the adoption of self‑monitoring coagulation status using point‑of‑care coagulometers (the CoaguChek XS system and the INRatio2 PT/INR monitor) for atrial fibrillation and heart valve disease.
- Abdominal drains in patients under-going gastrectomy for gastric cancer
- Maternity Services Monthly Statistics – December 2015, Experimental statistics
- Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF) Recorded Dementia Diagnoses – 2015/16
- Dementia assessment and referral – February 2016
- E. coli bacteraemia counts by Clinical Commissioning Group and month – March 2015 to March 2016
- MSSA bacteraemia: counts by CCG – March 2015 to March 2016
- Population estimates for UK, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, revised: mid-2012, mid-2013 and mid-2014