Knowledge @lert for Thursday 25th June
You can now access 72 new e-books from the Oxford Specialist Handbooks collection. This is in addition to our existing Oxford Medicine e-book titles, giving you access to over 200 online Oxford handbooks from anywhere. Log in with you NHS Open Athens account or Contact the Library & Knowledge Service for further details
Psychological support for people living with cancer: Commissioning guidance for cancer care in London – London Mental Health Strategic Clinical Network
The London Mental Health Strategic Clinical Network, in partnership with the Transforming Cancer Services Team for London, has produced this guidance to support commissioners and service providers in improving psychological support across the cancer pathway. It includes ten recommendations covering commissioning, workforce education, training and supervision, and service development and delivery.
Shaping The Future: A Strategic Framework For A Successful NHS – The Health Foundation
This report argues that a successful NHS strategy cannot be lifted from another country or calculated using a special formula – that no ‘silver bullet’ exists which will solve the complex challenges. It provides a strategic framework for national leaders working to create a sustainable NHS over the current parliament and beyond. It concludes that implementing a strategy will need a relentless focus on the priority areas that can provide biggest quality and efficiency gains, constant assessment of progress and course correction.
£22bn NHS efficiency savings ‘virtually impossible’ – Health Service Journal
The plan for £22bn efficiency savings outlined in the NHS Five Year Forward View are ‘virtually impossible’ to achieve, a former health minister has said. Norman Lamb, who was the Liberal Democrat care minister when the forward view was published last year, said the document began with the “completely heroic” assumption of a £30bn funding gap, and “the assumption which involved the biggest efficiency savings brought the gap down to £8bn”.
- Contact the Library & Knowledge Service to request this article in full or Phn. 01704 704202
Creating a better care system
Ernst and Young has published Creating a better care system: setting out key considerations for a reformed, sustainable health, wellbeing and care system of the future. Commissioned by the Local Government Association, it proposes the establishment of a £1.3 billion a year transformation fund until 2019/20 to develop a new health and social care system. This would be supported by a pooled health and social care budget, devolved powers for health, and reform incentives. The fund would focus on keeping people independent and preventing complex and long-term conditions. The report is designed to prompt debate at both a national and local level.
Sustainability, Innovation And Empowerment: A Five Year Vision For The Independent Social Care Sector – Care England
This report warns of a collapse in the system if providers and commissioners do not work together and more nurses are not recruited into the independent sector. It states that the next five years will be crucial in ensuring that the care and support services that many people rely on remain sustainable.
Good Practice In Ambulance Commissioning – NHS Clinical Commissioners
This briefing pulls together examples of good practice from across the country. The purpose of the briefing is to share innovative ways of commissioning emergency care, to help ambulance commissioners to think about new ways of working, in partnership with providers, to deliver effective and efficient ambulance services in their local area.
Health visitor and 0 to 5 commissioning transfer
The Department of Health and Public Health England has added Factsheet: the role of Health Education England and Local Education and Training Boards, to the suite of documents published in August 2014 relating to the transfer from the NHS to local authorities of public health services for children aged 0 to 5 in October 2015. This briefing sets out the role and responsibilities of Health Education England and its Local Education and Training Boards in educating the health workforce.
Scheme to improve patient safety on track
The Department of Health has announced that a year after the launch of the Sign up to Safety campaign, 260 NHS organisations have set out plans to save lives by reducing avoidable harm. This figure far exceeds the initial target of getting 180 organisations to sign up to the campaign in its first year. The campaign therefore is in a strong position to reach its aim of saving up to 6,000 lives over 3 years through the reduction of preventable harm such as medication errors, blood clots and bed sores.
2020 vision: digital efficiency and innovation in the NHS – King’s Fund
King’s Fund blog post that highlights a couple of important announcements that are very relevant as the NHS races to meet two prominent policy commitments by 2020: to achieve an unprecedented £22 billion of productivity savings, and to make all patient records digital and accessible in real time across all settings for patients and staff.
- There is new focus on the contribution that better use of information and technology can make to the £22 billion productivity challenge.
- The achievements to date of the Leeds Care Record – a single patient record shared by multiple NHS organisations, GPs and the local council in Leeds.
Unbundling recovery: Recovery, rehabilitation and reablement national audit report – NHS Improving Quality
This report describes how an audit methodology used previously for surgical conditions can be used to assess whether the rehabilitation aspects of a patient’s acute hospital stay could be better provided. It shows how, with some further evidence, a locally derived tariff for recovery, rehabilitation and reablement could be developed to support service improvements.
New Care Act Guidance that focus on people not process when commissioning care services – TLAP
Commissioners need to focus on people not processes when it comes to commissioning health and social care services and make sure people with care and support needs, families and carers are equal partners in deciding where services are commissioned from.
Preferred bidder named for £285m ‘prime provider’ contract – Health Service Journal
A consortium bid led by social enterprise Locala has been selected as the preferred bidder for a ‘prime provider’ community services contract worth £285m.
- Contact the Library & Knowledge Service to request this article in full or Phn. 01704 704202
Leaked NHS England study links nursing numbers and care quality – Nursing Times
A leaked NHS England study has revealed a significant relationship between the number of nurses on duty in hospitals and 40 indicators of patient care and outcomes.
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards forms and guidance – HM Government
The Department of Health and ADASS (the association of directors of adult social services in England) have produced these documents to help local authorities acting as supervisory bodies for the Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS).
NICE GP cancer referral advice threatens to swamp services, warns RCGP – GP Online
The RCGP has called for NICE to produce evidence that its new cancer guideline, which lowers the referral threshold for GPs, will not flood services with referrals.
- Screening key performance indicators Q3 2014-2015
- CCG Indicators – June 2015 release
- Focus on – The Health and Care of Young People – 2015
- Statistics on Alcohol, England – 2015
- Diagnostic Imaging Dataset – June 2015
- Annual Mid-year Population Estimates – 2014
- Mid-year population estimates for the UK 2014 Infographic
- NICE news – June 2015
- Update for primary care – June 2015
- Nutritional and health claims legislation bulletins 2015
- NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme News – June 2015