Knowledge @lert for Friday 29th May
Are you ready for revalidation? Nursing Times
The idea behind revalidation – keeping nurses’ practice up-to-date – is nothing new. However, there were concerns that the previous system, PREP, was not effectively monitored. The new system includes an additional level of monitoring as every nurse will need to be signed off by their manager or someone in a similar position. Download the NT Revalidation FAQ’s
Government considers cap on ‘egregious’ agency spend – Health Service Journal
A cap on the cost of agency staff supplied to NHS trusts is being explored by the Cabinet Office and Department of Health in an attempt to tackle the ballooning agency spend in the NHS, it has emerged.
- Contact the Library & Knowledge Service to request this article in full or Phn. 01704 704202
Long Term Conditions Improvement Programmes Bulletin – NHS IQ
Newsletter identifying best practice in improving delivery of services for Long Term Conditions.
North West trust seeks £30m from DH for IT and air con – Health Service Journal
Bolton Foundation Trust is seeking £30m of capital funding from the Department of Health towards its IT and estates strategies.
- Contact the Library & Knowledge Service to request this article in full or Phn. 01704 704202
Getting maternity services right for pregnant teenagers and young fathers
The Royal College of Midwives has worked with Public Health England and the Department of Health to update the joint publicationGetting maternity services right for pregnant teenagers and young fathers. The guide, originally produced in 2008, offers those working in maternity services practical guidance on supporting young mothers and young fathers.
Radiology provision in 2014
NHS Improving Quality in conjunction with the British Society for Interventional Radiology has published Interventional Radiology Provision in 2014: a survey of English NHS trusts. This fourth survey of interventional radiology departments focused specifically on services for nephrostomy, embolisation for general haemorrhage, embolisation for postpartum haemorrhage and endovascular interventions. Responses were received from 93 acute trusts out of a possible 156. There has been an overall improvement in formal provision of out-of-hours interventional radiology over the four year period of the survey.
First Steps for Health Care Assistants
The Royal College of Nursing has updated the online training resource First Steps for health care assistants. This new version of the resource incorporates a wider range of topics, improved access from smart phones and tablets, and more opportunities for reflection.
Quality of end of life care survey: consultation
NHS England is seeking views on their national survey on the quality of care in the last three months of life. The survey, Views of Informal Carers – Evaluation of Services (VOICES) collects information on bereaved peoples’ views on the quality of care provided to a relative or friend in the last three months of life, for England. NHS England has set out specific areas which they are keen to get views on, but have also left a section open for people to feedback comments or ideas more generally. The consultation runs until 19 June 2015.
- Provisional Accident and Emergency Quality Indicators for England – February 2015, by provider
- Provisional Monthly Hospital Episode Statistics for Admitted Patient Care, Outpatient and Accident and Emergency data – April 2014 – February 2015; Special topic – Dog and other mammal bites
- NICE news – May 2015
- Update for primary care – 2015
- Health Protection Report news – volume 9 issue 18 2015