Knowledge @lert for Wednesday 20th May
Lessons Learned Bulletin – April 2015
This Month’s focus is on Falls Prevention [only available via the Trust Intranet]
Learning Points:
- Nursing documentation needs to be countersigned by a Registered Nurse
- All patient safety incidents relating to falls whether they are witnessed or unwitnessed should be reported via the Datix incident Management system and documented in the nursing notes
- Families/carers/ next of kin should be contacted when patients have a fall or suspected fall in hospital
- When patients trigger their EWS they should be escalated to the medical team for review as per the policy.
- Dates and times in nursing and medical entries need to be accurate and contemporaneous
- Discussion of patients deteriorating condition should be at the earliest opportunity
Contact the Library & Knowledge Service to request a copy of this bulletin or Phn. 01704 704202
Browse the Lessons Learned Archive [only available via the Trust Intranet]
Clinical governance: The formula for a safer hospital – Health Service Journal
A radical overhaul of its corporate governance structure has significantly improved patient safety at Basildon Hospital. A lot has been written about the turnaround of Basildon Hospital in Essex. In 2012, it was scoring highly in all the wrong areas – mortality rates, visits from regulators and levels of dissatisfaction from patients. Transparency, openness, listening to patients and hiring more clinical staff were a few of the steps to improve outcomes and quality of care.
- Contact the Library & Knowledge Service to request this article in full or Phn. 01704 704202
Connecting nursing leadership and patient outcomes: state of the science – Journal of Nursing Management
Editorial that identifies although the evidence base for the connection between leadership and patient outcomes is far from prescriptive, what we do know suggests that positive leadership is pivotal in creating working conditions that optimize nursing practice promoting high quality patient care. Professional work environments that foster strong nursing practice include collaborative teamwork, autonomous decision making, professional development, adequate staffing and skill mix which are most closely aligned with patient safety outcomes.
New guidance on raising concerns and using social media – The Nursing and Midwifery Council
The Nursing and Midwifery Council has published two documents to support implementation of their professional standards Code. The refreshed guidance, on how to raise concerns, and new guidance, on using social media, outlines key principles for handling issues and ensuring public protection at all time.
Empathy DVD
NHS England (London Region) has produced a short film – Care is Compassion – as part of their Compassion in Practice Programme. The inspiring film, which shows compassion in practice in community settings, will encourage staff to think about how patients are feeling and ensure they demonstrate compassion in their everyday practice.
Toolkit launched to help reduce poor in-patient care
NHS England has published a toolkit to help commissioners reduce poor experiences of in-patient care. The toolkit, which was designed with a number of Clinical Commissioning Groups, includes a data tool to identify priority areas as well as case studies of good practice. The toolkit also draws attention to the importance of feedback from staff, patient surveys and the Friends and Family Test.
Secretary of State writes to frontline staff
Secretary of State for Health Jeremy Hunt MP has written a message to all staff, saying “I am humbled to be re-appointed Health Secretary, not least because of the enormous responsibility for hundreds of thousands of doctors, nurses and other NHS staff who are working incredibly hard right now and under enormous pressure”. You can read the full message about the priorities for health and care on the website.
HSJ launches its new Women Leaders Network – Health Service Journal
HSJ is launching a network to promote the talents of women in healthcare leadership roles.
- Contact the Library & Knowledge Service to request this article in full or Phn. 01704 704202
Leading through change – Health Leaders Magazine
Article that identifies that through a period of change, top leaders need to evolve their skill set and management styles to achieve effective and efficient healthcare delivery.