Knowledge @lert for Friday 6th March
Building a supportive environment: a review to tackle undermining and bullying in medical education and training – General Medical Council (GMC)
This report highlights and examines circumstances where bullying and undermining of doctors in training is most likely to occur. The findings come from a representative sample of 12 UK hospitals which the GMC visited. These were chosen because concerns had previously been raised through the GMC’s national survey of doctors in training and for their size, type and geographic location. In many sample sites the issues had been resolved prior to the visit subsequently resulting in examples of good practice.
Tariff arrangements for 2015/16 NHS activity – Monitor
This letter is aimed at all chief executives of providers of NHS-funded care and discusses the tariff arrangements for 2015/16 activity. It provides new information on next year’s NHS funding and contracting round, and sets out decisions that need to be taken by 6 March 2015.
Reaction to trusts’ decision on ‘voluntary’ Tariff – Health Service Journal
Reaction and full analysis of the news that the majority of NHS providers have opted for the “voluntary” tariff offer.
- Contact the Library & Knowledge Service to request this article or Phn. 01704 704202
Monitor and the Care Quality Commission: memorandum of understanding – Monitor
This memorandum of understanding sets out how Monitor and CQC will work together. It describes both organisations’ respective roles, the principles followed and the agreed governance framework on joint areas of work.
Monitor to investigate finances at four northern FTs – Health Service Journal
Monitor has launched unrelated investigations into the finances at four foundation trusts in the north of England.
Trusts told ‘make every effort’ to meet A&E target in April – Health Service Journal
Trusts have been told to ‘make every effort’ to meet the four hour target for accident and emergency departments by the end of next month.
- Contact the Library & Knowledge Service to request this article or Phn. 01704 704202