Knowledge @lert for Thursday 5th February
Community trust abandons FT bid – Health Service Journal
STRUCTURE: Liverpool Community Health Trust has abandoned its bid for foundation trust status after concluding it no longer represented a sustainable future for the trust.
- Contact the Library & Knowledge Service to request this article or Phn. 01704 704202
NHS managers urged to reject ‘divisive’ pay offer – Health Service Journal
NHS managers will be urged to reject the government’s latest pay offer in a ballot of union members
- Contact the Library & Knowledge Service to request this article or Phn. 01704 704202
A season of major incidents: what is really causing the A&E crisis this winter? – Civitas
This briefing identifies 11 factors potentially contributing to emergency departments’ current poor performance. The author also explores the differences between England and Wales, and whether these can be attributed to differences in leadership.
Frontline first : protecting services, improving care – Royal College of Nursing
This report shows an unprecedented rise in the amount the NHS spends on agency nursing staff in England, with a projected spend of at least £980 million on agency nursing staff by the end of this financial year if action is not taken. This is an average of £4.2 million per trust.
Secondary analysis and literature review of community rehabilitation and intermediate care: an information resource – Health Services and Delivery Research
This study provides additional evidence that interdisciplinary teamworking in Intermediate Care may be associated with better outcomes for patients, but care should be taken with overinterpretation. The measures that were used within the studies were found to be reliable, valid and practical and could be used for benchmarking. This study highlights the need for funding high-quality studies that attempt to examine what specific team-level factors are associated with better outcomes for patients.