Knowledge @lert for Thursday 4th December
Urgent and important: the future for urgent care in a 24/7 NHS – Urgent Care Commission
The Urgent Care Commission, supported by an unrestricted grant from Care UK, explores the provision of urgent and out of hours care in England and makes eight recommendations to improve standards and ensure the most efficient use of resources. It also highlights concerns from GPs that out of hours care is being hindered by a lack of integration with in-hours services and insufficient resources to consistently provide high quality care.
Autumn statement – HM Treasury
The Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne gave his annual Autumn Statement to Parliament on 3 December 2014. It included provision of £2 billion of additional funding for frontline NHS services in England in 2015-16. This is part of a multi-year £3.1 billion UK-wide investment in the NHS.
Leadership in health and care – Health Services Management Centre
HSMC publishes its latest Newsletter on the theme of Leadership in health and care.
I’m Still Me: A Narrative For Coordinated Support For Older People – National Voices
This document, produced in collaboration with UCLPartners and Age UK, sets out how integrated care and support looks and feels to older people and is written from their point of view. It outlines five themes that older people say are key to coordinated support: independence, community interactions, decision making, care and support and terminology.
Working Better Together: Community Health And Primary Care – NHS Confederation
This slidepack captures the main points from a workshop on integrated working between primary care and community health services. The workshop was organised by the NHS Confederation’s Community Health Services Forum in partnership with the National Association of Primary Care, in September 2014.
Healthcare leaders attack ‘scapegoating’ of managers – Health Service Journal
Leading clinicians and patient campaigners have joined two former health secretaries to call for a change in attitude towards NHS managers
- Contact the Library & Knowledge Service to request this article or Phn. 01704 704202
Managing quality in community health care services
The Kings Fund has published Managing quality in community health care services. This paper presents findings from a small-scale study into how quality is managed in community services. It explores how community care providers define and measure quality and recommends important next steps to support better measurement and management of quality.
Accident and emergency survey
The Care Quality Commission has published its fifth Accident and emergency survey 2014. The results show that almost eight out of 10 respondents say that their overall experience was good rating it seven or more out of ten and only 3 per cent of patients saying the doctor or nurse did not listen to what they had to say. The findings demonstrate that departments are largely caring, however, more work needs to be done so that services are safer, more effective and more responsive to people’s needs.
Can the NHS deliver integration?
The Good Governance Institute has published Goldberg III: Can the NHS deliver integration? Lessons from around the world. It examines what fundamental barriers exist within the NHS that hinder integration and what lessons can be learnt from other countries’ experiences. Questioning what exactly is meant by the ‘integration’ this research report looks at positive examples of integrated approaches in the other countries of the UK, as well as in the US and Western Europe. It presents a critical assessment of what is required to address the needs of the frail elderly and those with multiple long-term conditions in a co-ordinated and integrated manner.
Commission on hospital care for frail older people report findings
The Health Service Journal has published the main report of its Commission on Hospital Care for Frail Older People in conjunction with Serco. The Commission launched in October 2013 considered how the NHS should care for the increasing number of frail older people. It reviewed a wide range of previously-published evidence on care for frail older people. It also invited contributions from HSJ readers on examples of “imitable and scalable good practice”, and “policies, techniques and approaches” which could improve care of frail older people in hospitals. It concludes that hospital providers of care for frail older people should “forget about (waiting for) government plans” that could potentially change and improve care for this vulnerable patient group, and that they “must and can get on with it now”.
NICE guidance
NICE has published the following guidance:
- Pneumonia: Diagnosis and management of community- and hospital-acquired pneumonia in adults (CG191) Clinical Guidelines.
- Intrapartum care: care of healthy women and their babies during childbirth (CG190) Clinical Guidelines.
- Postnatal care (CG37) Clinical Guidelines.
- Colorectal cancer: The diagnosis and management of colorectal cancer (CG131) Clinical Guidelines.
- Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) prescribing data – July to September 2014
- National child measurement programme in England, school year – 2013 to 2014
- Dementia assessment and referral – September 2014
- MSSA bacteraemia: monthly data by attributed clinical commissioning group
- Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteraemia: monthly data by attributed clinical commissioning group
- MSSA bacteraemia: monthly data by NHS acute trust
- Provisional Accident and Emergency Quality Indicators – England, by provider for July 2014
- Provisional Accident and Emergency Quality Indicators – England, by provider for August 2014
- Provisional Monthly Hospital Episode Statistics for Admitted Patient Care, Outpatients and Accident and Emergency Data – April 2014 – July 2014
- Provisional Monthly Hospital Episode Statistics for Admitted Patient Care, Outpatients and Accident and Emergency Data – April 2014 – August 2014
- National Lung Cancer Audit – 2013 Patient Cohort
- Ambulance Quality Indicators – Systems Indicators for October 2014 and Clinical Outcomes for July 2014
- Friends and family test – October 2014