Knowledge @lert for Wednesday 27th August
Ready for researchers: modernising the NHS’s scientific workforce – Health Service Journal
With the introduction of increasingly technological healthcare, Malcolm Sperrin and colleagues state it will be essential to expand and develop the scientific workforce.
Guidance on implementing the overseas visitors hospital charging regulations – Department of Health
Guidance for NHS bodies in carrying out their duties under the NHS (Charges to Overseas Visitors) Regulations 2011 to make and recover charges for NHS hospital treatment from chargeable overseas visitors. It also includes guidance to safeguard the health of those not entitled to free hospital treatment and new guidance on sharing information on NHS debtors to subject them to immigration sanctions.
Trust hunts disc holding 42,000 records – EHI News
East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust has admitted to losing a disc containing the confidential information of 42,000 patients.
Research and analysis: Emergency department bulletin – HM Government
The Emergency Department Syndromic Surveillance System (EDSSS) monitors the patient attendances each day and what symptoms patients have, in a network of emergency departments across England and Northern Ireland.
NHS patient, visitor and staff car parking principles – Department of Health
These car parking principles suggest the provision of concessions to groups that need them such as disabled people, frequent outpatient attenders or visitors with relatives who are gravely ill.
Voluntary sector involvement in Better Care Fund planning – Carer and Support Alliance (CSA)
This briefing has been based on information from Department of Health to help members engage with the Better Care Fund.
Supporting the acute take – advice published – NHS Employers
The Royal College of Physicians publishes a statement on ensuring safe patient care in light of increasing demands on the acute medical unit (AMU).
Transforming Urgent And Emergency Care Services In England: Update On The Urgent And Emergency Care Review -NHS England
Interim report that outlines the progress with NHS England’s work with local commissioners and the development of their five year strategic and two year operational plans as well as updates on planning to develop demonstrator sites to trial new models, including the new NHS 111 service specification.
Monitor Data – Monitor
Monitor have made all foundation trusts’ finances available, having released over a million lines of financial data including staff costs, income, and private finance initiative payments. The data is available to download for free from the regulator’s website and under the Government Open Licence via
Reimbursement Of Urgent And Emergency Care: Discussion Document On Options For Reform – Monitor
In this paper, Monitor and NHS England set out their current thinking on options for reforming the urgent and emergency care payment approach. It outlines preliminary options for implementing a new payment approach to support improved delivery of urgent and emergency care, as well as the way forward for NHS England and Monitor.
2012/13 Patient Level Cost Collection: Review And Lessons For The Future – Monitor
This report reviews the findings from the 2012/13 patient level information and costing systems (PLICS) pilot data collection for admitted patient care. It is intended to be used by all NHS staff who are responsible for, or contribute to, the production of cost information.
Avoiding unplanned admissions enhanced service: Proactive case finding and care review for vulnerable people: Guidance and audit requirements: A programme of action for general practice and clinical commissioning groups – NHS England
Intended to help GPs, nurses and other health and care staff develop personalised care plans with those who are most vulnerable and have complex health and care needs. The template includes lots of important questions from gathering information about allergies and current medication to also collecting people’s emergency contacts.
Dementia research ‘revolution’ using EPR – EHI News
Five mental health trusts have launched a partnership to “revolutionise” dementia research in the UK, using non-identifiable patient data.