Knowledge @lert for Wednesday 13th August
The engagement cycle – Centre for Patient Leadership
This model was developed by InHealth Associates to support commissioners aiming to engage with patients and the public throughout the commissioning cycle. It has been updated to align with current statutory guidance, new commissioning arrangements and current healthcare challenges.
Seven day services in hospital pharmacy: giving patients the care they deserve – Royal Pharmaceutical Society
In May 2014 members of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, along with other colleagues from across Great Britain, gathered to discuss the challenges faced in moving to seven day services so that pharmacists can better care for their patients. The report provides a summary of this meeting and begins with the wider context in which seven day services are developing, then later focuses on case studies of approaches to extended and seven day pharmacy services. It concludes with an outline of emerging themes for the pharmacy profession to consider when developing seven day services supplemented by actions for consideration.
BMJ Quality & Safety – September 2014, Volume 23, Issue 9
In this months issue:
(available full text with your NHS OpenAthens account – Contact the Library & Knowledge Service to request a reminder of your Athens details or to register for a new NHS OpenAthens account)