Knowledge @lert for Monday 28th July
TDA investigates why winter pressures have continued into summer – Health Service Journal
The NHS Trust Development Authority has launched an investigation into the ‘unexpectedly high’ demand for acute services that has seen ‘winter’ pressures continue into the summer.
Major reorganisation of specialist cancer and cardiac treatment approved -Health Service Journal
A reorganisation of specialist cancer and cardiac treatment across north east London and West Essex that will see two major hospitals host one specialism each was given the green light by commissioners last week.
NHS Confederation and NHS Employers respond to CQC consultations on ‘duty of candour’ and ‘fit and proper persons’ -NHS Employers
The NHS Confederation and NHS Employers welcome the CQC consultations. “We welcome the opportunity to provide views on the CQC’s new guidance on “duty of candour” and the “fit and proper persons” requirements. It is right that breaches of the fundamental standards be treated with utmost seriousness, and that the CQC can respond promptly. It is also important that the CQC respond proportionately and that any prosecutions focus only on the most serious failings in care.”
A&E patients ‘will wait longer’- HSJ Article
Patients should expect ‘inevitable’ greater waits in accident and emergency departments, two health charities have warned.
ESR re-procurement – latest update – NHS Employers
As part of the ongoing communications and engagement activity relating to the project, the NHS Electronic Staff Record (ESR) team have previously advised NHS stakeholders that McKesson, the incumbent ESR service provider, has confirmed its intent to sell its UK operation. Whilst this remains an ongoing process for the part of its business that delivers ESR, you may have become aware that McKesson has decided it is no longer appropriate for it to bid for the new ESR contract.
A new patient safety package published by the European Commission – NHS Employers
The European Commission has recently published a patient safety package highlighting how the Commission and EU countries are addressing the challenge of patient safety, with information on progress made since 2012 and identifying barriers to overcome as recommended in a Council Recommendation of 2009.
Transparency data: DH exceptions to spending controls: 2014 – Department of Health
Spending data on DH exceptions to cross-government controls in 5 areas:
- information and communication technology (ICT)
- property leases and lease extensions
- recruitment
- advertising and marketing
- consultancy
Open consultation: New regulations for how NHS auditor panels work – Department of Health
The proposed regulations establish how auditor panels or audit committees will be set up so they can advise on the appointment and management of local auditors, and give advice on non-audit work. These regulations are part of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014.