Knowledge @lert for Tuesday 10th June
Patient safety alert on risk of using vacuum and suction drains when not clinically indicated – NHS England
A patient safety alert has been issued by NHS England on the risk of using vacuum and suction drains when not clinically indicated. The alert has been issued for action to be taken by all acute hospitals in England where surgery is performed.
Patient safety alert on standardising the early identification of Acute Kidney Injury – NHS England
A patient safety alert has been issued today (9 June 2014) by NHS England on standardising the early identification of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI). The alert has been issued to all NHS acute trusts and foundation trusts providing pathology services.
Variation in waiting times for bowel cancer tests across the UK
Bowel Cancer UK has published Diagnosing bowel cancer early: Right test, right time. The report reveals that people are waiting significant lengths of time between being referred and having their test. It also highlights serious problems with endoscopy services such as difficulty in qualifying for an urgent referral, waiting too long and experiencing varying quality in the procedures.
Evidence summary: new medicines – Long-acting reversible contraception
NICE has published a new medicines evidence summary ESNM 41: Long-acting reversible contraception: levonorgestrel 13.5 mg intrauterine delivery system. Evidence summaries: new medicines’ provide a summary of the published evidence for selected new medicines, or for existing medicines with new indications or formulations, that are considered to be of significance to the NHS. The strengths and weaknesses of the relevant evidence are critically reviewed within the summary, but the summaries are not formal NICE guidance.
Staff engagement in the NHS newsletter June 2014 – NHS Employers
The latest ‘Staff engagement in the NHS’ newsletter is out now.
The revolving door turns once more – Birmingham University
Mark Exworthy looks at the debate surrounding national and local approaches to running the English health system.
One in three adults in England at risk of developing diabetes
Research published in the British Medical Journal indicates more than a third of adults are on the edge of developing type-2 diabetes. The article, Prevalence of prediabetes in England from 2003 to 2011: population-based, cross-sectional study, highlights a rapid rise in pre-diabetes since 2003. The authors predict a surge in type-2 diabetes in the coming years, with consequences for life expectancy and disability. The report concludes that the socioeconomically deprived are at substantial risk.
Cancer and equality groups
The National Cancer Intelligence Network has published Cancer and equality groups: key metrics 2014 report. In 2013, the National Cancer Equality Initiative and the National Cancer Intelligence Network published a baseline report to establish a series of metrics relating to equality groups and cancer that would provide a basis to measure change, whether positive or negative. This follow up report brings together updated information and intelligence, and highlights where differences by equality groups exist so that work can commence to reduce inequalities. It also shows how improved data quality will improve understanding further.
- Chief Scientific Officer bulletin – June 2014
- Primary Care Commissioning Newsletter 2014 – Issue 12
Health Statistics
- NHS Safety Thermometer Report – May 2013 – May 2014