Knowledge @lert for Tuesday 29th April
Evidence Update: Physical Activity And The Environment – NICE
The Care Certificate Health Education England (HEE)
Taking place across a range of health and social care settings, the Care Certificate pilot will test a set of standards designed to help employers to assess not only workers’ skills, but also the knowledge, behaviours and values that are required to deliver compassionate and quality care. Achievement of the Care Certificate should ensure that the support worker has the required values, behaviours, competences and skills to provide high quality, compassionate care. The Care Certificate pilot will be held in the spring and summer of 2014, with the introduction of the certificate planned for March 2015.
Guidance: Better care for people with 2 or more long term conditions
This document sets out the current challenges faced in the health and social care system in treating people with 2 or more long term health conditions. It proposes changes to the system to improve care.
Building a leadership team for the health care organization of the future Hospitals in Pursuit of Excellence (HPOE)
This report argues that moving towards value-based payment models also requires a change in management skills that encourage systems thinking and aligns clinical and operational resources in order to improve outcomes and efficiencies.
Sustainable development report 2012-13 – NHS Supply Chain
This report looks back at NHS Supply Chain’s achievements to drive sustainable development and the progress that has been made over the past year. It highlights the economic challenges facing the NHS and the UK economy and the focus on delivering savings within non-pay spend.
Electronic Palliative Care Co-ordination Systems (EPaCCS) in England
A survey of clinical commissioning groups by the National End of Life Care Intelligence Network conducted in 2013 provides an overview of Electronic Palliative Care Co-ordination Systems implementation across England. The report of the survey includes information about systems and approaches being used and shares the learning and experiences of implementers. This will be useful to all those implementing or planning local EPaCCS or other electronic co-ordination systems. The report will also be useful to IT systems suppliers and there are important messages regarding the need for system suppliers to work together to support interoperable systems.
How much does high quality care cost? – Foundation Trust Network (FTN)
This briefing outlines the results of an FTN members’ survey and reveals the full scale of extra investment that NHS foundation trusts and trusts are making to improve patient care following the Francis and Keogh reviews and the introduction of the new CQC inspection regime. It calls for a new approach to funding service developments and improved financial risk sharing.
The role of an ageing workforce in the future of work – The Tavisock Institute
Paper looking at the legilslation, economics and social attitudes in Western Union which mean increasing numbers of older people will remain in the workplace. This paper considers what this might mean for the experience of organizational life from the perspective of older people.
Stevens launches quick-fire NHS England ‘structure’ review – Health Service Journal Article
The new NHS England chief executive has initiated a quick-fire review of the organisation’s national structure and systems, amid staff concern about its “hierarchical” approach. Simon Stevens has asked commissioning development director Rosamond Roughton and Karen Wheeler to lead the review.
- Contact the Library & Knowledge Service to request this HSJ article or Phn. 01704 704202