Author: Bo Norrving
Format: Webpage Publisher: Oxford University Press
Published: 2014
Print ISBN-13: 9780199641208
DOI: 10.1093/med/9780199641208.001.0001
The Oxford Textbook of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease is a comprehensive resource on clinical stroke, covering all major aspects of cerebrovascular disease, including epidemiology, risk factors, primary prevention, pathophysiology, diagnostics, clinical features, acute therapies, secondary prevention, prognosis, and rehabilitation. It makes use of current pedagogic principles, and includes not only aspects on management in the acute hospital phase of stroke, but also public health issues, prevention, long-term management, and silent vascular disease (which is becoming increasingly epidemic in the general population). Topical aspects also include advice to improve clinical skills in examination, diagnosing, and treating stroke. It also covers the fields of silent cerebrovascular disease (silent brain infarcts, microbleeds, white matter ischemic abnormalities) that more recently have been recognized to be highly prevalent in the general population, and that carry important risks on vascular events and cognitive decline/dementia.