Author: Stergios K. Doumouchtsis and S. Arulkumaran
Format: Webpage Publisher: Oxford University Press
Published: 2011
Print ISBN-13: 9780199651382
DOI: 10.1093/med/9780199651382.001.0001
This handbook provides a practical and accessible guide to all emergency situations encountered in obstetrics and gynaecology, from the immediately life-threatening to the smaller but urgent problems that may arise. Designed around the symptoms and signs with which the patient presents to the hospital, this handbook explains how to arrive at a differential diagnosis and how to prevent, manage, and treat an emergency. The obstetric emergencies section covers topics from early pregnancy through to post-delivery complications, whilst the gynaecological emergencies section addresses those issues that could potentially pose a threat to a women’s fertility or even her life. The second edition addresses new topics on issues that have become more prevalent in recent years, such as substance misuse in pregnancy and violence against women and children. A new topic on ‘preoperative assessment’ outlines how to get consent, the risks, benefits, and what the patient should expect. Fully revised and updated, covering new guidance, this title provides foundation year doctors, specialty trainees, and consultants in obstetrics and gynaecology with an invaluable source of information for every emergency situation.