The NHS: Britain’s National Health Service, 1948-2020

Author: Cohen S. Pages:64
Format: PDF
Publisher: Shire Publications 12/11/2020

1948 marked a turning point in British history, for it was the year that the National Health Service began. Inaugurated by the health minister, Aneurin ‘Nye’ Bevan, the new nationwide system was established to provide countrywide free healthcare for every citizen at the point of use, and, as Bevan believed, would ‘lift the shadow from millions of homes.’ No longer would people have to fear paying for their medical care and potentially being pushed into poverty. Every aspect of medical care began to change, gradually affecting the way that the profession, including doctors, nurses, district nurses, dentists, opticians, pharmacists and hospitals practised and operated. It also created new opportunities, enabling the scope of treatments available to grow.This beautifully illustrated book traces the origins of the NHS, from Florence Nightingale, to the NHS beginnings in 1948 and the subsequent decades and introduces readers to the people who worked for the NHS and to the men, women and children who benefited from the new universal system. Viewed through the prism of social history, and using personal recollections, this story takes account of the debates surrounding the evolving system, and looks at the way that innovation and science have transformed healthcare since the NHS began.

Many Different Kinds of Love: A Story of Life, Death and the NHS

Author: Rosen M.
Pages: 288
Format: PDF
Publisher: Ebury Press 18/03/2021
eISBN-13: 9781473590915

A national treasure’s journey to the brink and back.

‘Will I wake up?’
‘There’s a 50:50 chance.’

Michael Rosen wasn’t feeling well. Soon he was struggling to breathe, and then he was admitted to hospital, suffering from coronavirus as the nation teetered on the edge of a global pandemic. What followed was months on the wards: six weeks in an induced coma, and many more weeks of rehab and recovery as the NHS saved Michael’s life, and then got him back on his feet. Throughout Michael’s stay in intensive care, a notebook lay at the end of his bed, where the nurses who cared for him wrote letters of hope and support. Embarking on the long road to recovery, Michael was soon ready to start writing about his near-death experience. Combining stunning new prose poems by one of Britain’s best loved poets and the moving coronavirus diaries of his nurses, doctors and wife Emma-Louise Williams, this is a beautiful book about love, life and the NHS. Featuring original illustrations by Chris Riddell, each page celebrates the power of community, the importance of kind gestures in dark times, and the indomitable spirits of the people who keep us well.

Tomorrow Will Be a Good Day: My Autobiography

Author: Moore T.
Pages: 320 Format: Epub Publisher: Michael Joseph
Date: 17/09/2020
eISBN-13: 9780241486115

Born at the tail end of the Spanish flu epidemic, Tom Moore was raised in the Yorkshire Dales by a loving family that had not escaped tragedy. Yet when the clouds of war threatened, Tom raised his hand and joined up to fight. The Second World War took him to the Far East, where his can-do spirit was forged. Whether fighting for his life in Burma or helming a firm back home, racing motorbikes or raising a family, he always sought to do his very best. To make a difference to those around him. Captain Tom’s story is that of our parents and our grandparents.

Introducing the Social Sciences for Midwifery Practice

Author: Edited By Patricia Lindsay And Ian Peate. Pages: 209 Size: 944 KB Format: PDF Publisher: Routledge Ltd
Published: 16 July, 2015
eISBN-13: 9781315794280

Introducing the Social Sciences for Midwifery Practice makes clear the links between social, anthropological and psychological concepts, midwifery practice and women’s experience of birth. Demonstrating how empathising with women and understanding the context in which they live can affect childbirth outcomes and experiences, this evidence-based text emphasises the importance of compassionate and humane care in midwifery practice. Exploring midwifery as an art, as well as a science, the authors collected here make the case for midwives as professionals working ‘with women’ rather than as birth technicians, taking a purely competency-based approach to practice. The book incorporates a range of pedagogical features to enhance student learning, including overall chapter aims and learning outcomes, ‘recommendations for practice’, ‘learning triggers’ to encourage the reader to delve deeper and reflect on practice, ‘application to practice’ case studies which ensure that the theory is related to contemporary practice, and a glossary of terms. The chapters cover perspectives on birth from sociology; psychology; anthropology; law; social policy and politics. Other chapters address important issues such as disability, politics and sexuality. Outlining relevant theory from the social sciences and clearly applying it to practice, this text is an essential read for all student midwives, registered midwives and doulas.

Public Health and Community Nutrition

Author: Elizabeth Eilender. Pages: 70 Size: 1.33 MB Format: EPUB Publisher: Momentum Press
Published: 28 September, 2016
eISBN-13: 9781606508701

Poor quality dietary habits are one of the most pressing public health concerns of our time. As a society, we are faced with the paradox of malnutrition and overconsumption existing side-by-side. Many people in our communities deal with the stark reality of food insecurity coupled with a reliance on inexpensive, nutrient-poor calories that contribute to the nationwide prevalence of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic conditions. As a resource for both students and practitioners, Public Health and Community Nutrition provides an overview of how social determinants of health and socioeconomic factors that influence a population’s or an individual’s well-being¾contribute to the existence of health disparities in the United States. Now more than ever, diet and health experts are needed to address these 21st-century public health challenges that require specific professional competencies related to nutritional assessment, knowledge of food assistance and support options, and nutrition education skills that are appropriate for targeted audiences.

Health Literacy Among Older Adults

Author: Karen Kopera-Frye. Pages: 211 Size: 1.53 MB Format: EPUB Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
Published: 28 September, 2016
eISBN-13: 9780826194527

Low health literacy is a critical issue among adults, with over one-third found to have difficulty understanding such basic information as that found on prescription bottles. This is the first graduate textbook to address key health literacy issues as they affect the health and wellbeing of the ageing population. Embracing a topic spanning numerous disciplines, it features a dynamic, multiple contextual systems approach and includes contributions from renowned scholars and practitioners in gerontology, public health, social work, nursing, and other related fields. The text emphasises increasing health literacy among older adults through the use of technological tools and features the most current research, evidence-based programs, and practices. It provides expansive coverage of the intersection of technology and health literacy, highlighting innovative approaches and discussing how to use technology with resource-limited groups, and gives special consideration to rural, impoverished, culturally diverse, and low literacy elders and presents gold standard intervention programs and models. Also covered are the policy implications of programs focusing on increasing health literacy and future directions for meeting the Healthy People 2020 initiative. Case studies, review questions, accompanying PowerPoint lectures, learning objectives, will reinforce learning. Key Features:

  • Provides a one-of-a-kind, multidisciplinary survey of the key health literacy issues of older adults.
  • Focuses on increasing health literacy across the disciplines.
  • Addresses a priority area of Healthy People 2020.
  • Incorporates research and practice from gerontology, psychology, public health, social work, sociology, medicine, and nursing.
  • Includes case studies, review questions, learning objectives, and PowerPoint slides for assisting instructors.

Medical regulation and revalidation

Author: John Martyn Chamberlain.
Pages: 118 Size: 433 KB Format: PDF Publisher: The Policy Press
Published: 26 August, 2015
eISBN-13: 9781447325451

Medical sociology has traditionally focused on the governance of ‘troublesome’ social groups, including the unwell, the ‘deviant’, and the criminally insane. But recently, it has explored how the state ensures the public is protected from medical malpractice, negligence, and criminality. Against the background of some high-profile scandals, this authoritative book examines the modernisation of the regulation of doctors by the introduction of a quality assurance process. Highlighting areas of good practice, this book will be required reading for scholars of medical sociology, medical education and health policy.

Crash Course Medical Ethics and Sociology

Author: Andrew Papanikitas.
Pages: 213 Size: 3.5 MB Format: PDF Publisher: Mosby
Published: 14 May, 2013
eISBN-13: 9780723437864

Crash Course – your effective everyday study companion plus the perfect antidote for exam stress! You can save time and be assured you have all the information you need in one place to excel on your course and achieve exam success. A winning formula now for over 15 years, each volume has been fine-tuned and fully updated, with an improved layout tailored to make your life easier. Especially written by junior doctors – those who understand what is essential for exam success – with all information thoroughly checked and quality assured by expert Faculty Advisers, the result is a series of books which exactly meets your needs and you know you can trust. The importance of ethics and sociology as applied cannot be underestimated, within both the medical curriculum and everyday modern clinical practice. Medical students and junior doctors cannot hope to experience every dilemma first hand, but are expected to deal with new and problematic clinical situations in a reasoned, professional and systematic way. This volume, which accounts for the revised core curriculum in Medical Ethics and Law, will prove an indispensable companion.