Job embeddedness – Mind Tools

This looks at why people stay in their job as a method of predicting voluntary turnover. It looks at how people connect to an organisation, how it suits them and perceived loss if they left their jobs. It also considers the problems that can arise from being embedded.

High-impact leadership: improve care, improve the health of populations, and reduce costs – Institute of Healthcare Improvement

An American white paper which aimed at supporting leadership across the healthcare sector to improve outcomes with their Triple Aim initiative. It focuses on three key elements:

New Mental Models: A set of ideas that constitute new mental models for leaders as they redesign care delivery systems to compete on value, rather than on volume, and deliver improved outcome results for the populations they serve.

High-Impact Leadership Behaviours: Five recommended leadership behaviours to accelerate cultural change and support efforts to improve. These leadership behaviours, when practiced systematically, are cross-cutting, supporting many key leadership efforts and initiatives at once.

IHI High-Impact Leadership Framework: A leadership framework that serves as a guide for where leaders need to focus efforts and resources in order to drive improvement and innovation. This updated framework adds three essential areas of leadership efforts: driven by persons and community; shape desired organisational culture; and engage across traditional boundaries of health care systems.

The white paper also includes examples from a variety of health care leaders, to help illustrate High-Impact Leadership Behaviors in real-world practice.