Health Secretary launches new patient safety collaboratives – NHS Improving Quality

The Secretary of State for Health RT Hon. Jeremy Hunt this week launched the new national patient safety collaborative programme at an event that brought together all the collaboratives for the first time.

The programme aims to improve the safety of patients and ensure continual learning sits at the heart of healthcare in England. It is being coordinated by NHS Improving Quality and will be made up of a network of 15 Patient Safety Collaboratives, each led by an academic health science network (AHSN).,2X6JF,F6CSW1,AJZQW,1


My Voice, My Wheelchair, My Life – NHS Improving Quality

NHS Improving Quality is working with NHS England to lead a campaign to transform wheelchair services for users and their families.

There are numerous issues with current NHS wheelchair services for people with complex, long term conditions, which impact on the health and wellbeing of users, and their families and carers. Problems include the length of time people have to wait for wheelchairs, secondary health complications resulting from unsuitable wheelchairs, and variable eligibility criteria for NHS funding of wheelchairs.,2X6JF,F6CSW1,AJZQW,1


Exploring The Costs Of Unsafe Care In The NHS – Frontier Economics

This report, commissioned by the Department of Health, investigates the costs of unsafe care in the NHS. A rapid review of existing evidence suggests that the costs of preventable, adverse events is likely to be more than £1 billion per year, but could be up to £2.5 billion annually.

Developing Strategy: What Every Trust Board Member Should Know – Monitor

Guidance explaining the role of NHS foundation trust board members in developing a clear and well thought out strategy. It describes what to look for when assuring the quality of your NHS foundation trust’s strategy, and points out common pitfalls.

Ideas into action: person-centred care in practice: What to consider when implementing shared decision making and self-management support – The Health Foundation

This report aims to inform health care professionals, commissioners and providers about what to consider when implementing shared decision making and self-management support as part of their drive to make person-centred care a reality.

System Leadership: Lessons And Learning From AQuA’s Integrated Care Discovery Communities – The King’s Fund

This paper seeks to identify the skills, knowledge and behaviours required of new system leaders and to learn from systems attempting to combine strong organisational leadership with collaborative system-level leadership approaches. It draws on three years’ development work with leaders in health care systems in north-west England, undertaken by the Advancing Quality Alliance (AQuA) and The King’s Fund which has adopted a ‘discovery’ approach to developing integrated care and the leadership capabilities supporting it.

Cracks In The Pathway – Care Quality Commission

This review into the care provided to people living with dementia found an unacceptable gap in the quality of care that means people are at risk of experiencing poor care as they move between care homes and hospitals. It also highlighted poor practices in sharing information between health and care professionals and the benefits of supporting the mental and physical health of individuals in order to reduce avoidable admissions to hospital and unnecessary long stays in hospital.

Hospital based strategies for creating a culture of health – Hospitals in Pursuit of Excellence (HPOE)

This report provides background on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s vision to build a culture of health and discusses how hospitals are contributing to community health improvement. It reports the findings of a review of 300 community health needs assessments, provides strategic considerations for hospital engagement in community health improvement and offers a model of the hospital’s role in building a culture of health.

Accentuate the Positive: Improving Patient Safety by Focusing on What’s Being Done Well – IHI

When visitors come to IHI, they’re greeted with these words displayed behind the reception desk: “We will improve the lives of patients, the health of communities, and the joy of the health care workforce.” Ensuring “joy in work” has been both a core value and a strategic focus for IHI throughout its history. And it isn’t easy – improving patient safety, for example, requires, in part, acknowledging that our systems have harmed patients. There is, however, another side to the safety story. In a new post to the IHI blog, IHI Fellowship Director and Content Manager for Patient Safety, Joelle Baehrend, writes about how highlighting success stories and emphasizing the positive can build momentum and improve outcomes.

Financial Failure In The NHS: What Causes It And How Best To Manage It – The King’s Fund

This report describes the current financial state of the NHS and the reasons for the deterioration in financial performance and ultimately financial failure. These include weak leadership, legacy costs, PbR, and the impact of the wider health economy.

Key Findings:

  • Even the best managed organisations face a financial struggle in the current climate.
  • The balancing act between finance and performance cannot be maintained.
  • There are many factors that contribute to financial failure and some of these are not under the control of one organisation.
  • There is a lack of leadership within local health economies following the abolition of strategic health authorities.
  • National bodies need to agree a shared approach to dealing with funding challenges.